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Report - - British Sugar, Bardney, Lincolnshire – August 2020 | Industrial Sites | Page 2 |

Report - British Sugar, Bardney, Lincolnshire – August 2020

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Terminal Decline

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Dont remember the power house being any good tbh. We saw nearly the whole site over a couple of trips and it didnt really register at the time, cant find any photo of any of it. Im guessing a 80s turbine wasn't really of interest back then! Good place tho, just another one on the long list of places people would make a lot more of today but certainly we did this place more justice than 100s of others that just got totally ignored.
Was hoping you'd had a nose around that part of the site. I think it annoys me more when stuff at a fairly popular site like this is missed by everyone, rather then a building which wasn't on the radar disappearing before anyone made the effort. How many people visited Haslar without noticing there was a padded cell or missed the Parsons turbines at Hendon Paper Mill?


Shut up Todd.
28DL Full Member
Did they move the operations of this to the factory in Newark on the River Trent?

I know the one in Newark was one of the last few still processing beat but I'm sure I saw what looked to be a closure of that site last time I went past. There were big concrete barriers near some of the entrance roads.


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
I'm not aware of Newark closing...

Theres 4 factories left. Wissington, Cantley, Bury and Newark. We have explored a fair few closed ones over the years tho. Ipswich was my local one and a great explore. In addition there was it this one, York and Kiddeminster all there at the same time for a year or two. The one we all missed was Allscott in Shropshire. In 2007 you had your pick of all 5 plus a bit of Nottingham that was still left behind derp.. Then think how many cement works and all those other simlar places there were out there.. that's why people didnt explore them so well. These kind of industrial sites were ten a penny. You didnt have to seek out every last bit of them all to see some really good stuff so not many people bothered.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I worked at York British Sugar and recognise a lot of that machinery, it was the same in our factory (closed years ago of course)

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