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Report - - Burlington Bunker, Corsham - Nov 14 | Mines and Quarries | Page 2 |

Report - Burlington Bunker, Corsham - Nov 14

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

I took far too many of that one area, probably 50 or so photos, I've never seen so much equipment crammed in such a small space, I can only imagine the amount of heat that lot would have generated. The interesting thing is there's a few modern phone lines in there, I followed one which terminated in a modern BT line box, run in a piece of CAT5e cable and it's patched into part of the old frame - all that cable coming into the place and they managed to patch in a single phone line in it's later life using the old cabling, quite amazing really. If I'd managed to find a phone handset with a plug on I would have been sorely tempted to see if it was still connected! Imagine calling someone, they wouldn't believe where you were.

I followed that purple cat5 too!

Nice pictures Mike, especially lamson room.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Proper nice report that Maniac, made all the better by the fact when I read it, in my head it was your voice and that just made me giggle - sorry :D Some damn fine shots you got there too :)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Very, very nice.

Looks like loads of amazing stuff down there but that Lamson tube exchange wins it for me. A seemingly simple idea but an amazing piece of engineering. Congrats on finally cracking the place too, must be an awesome feeling finally getting down there.

Top stuff :thumb


rebmeM LD82
Regular User
Very, very nice.

Looks like loads of amazing stuff down there but that Lamson tube exchange wins it for me. A seemingly simple idea but an amazing piece of engineering. Congrats on finally cracking the place too, must be an awesome feeling finally getting down there.

Top stuff :thumb

The Lamson Tube exchange was brilliant. @Oxygen Thief took a photo of it years ago which I vividly remember seeing on here, for ever more I wanted to see that part for myself!

Thanks for the comments people. :-)

Oxygen Thief

Staff member
The Lamson Tube exchange was brilliant. @Oxygen Thief took a photo of it years ago which I vividly remember seeing on here, for ever more I wanted to see that part for myself!

Thanks for the comments people. :-)




2010 that was, how time flies and things get opened, sealed, re-opened...


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Looks even better up close.

Had heard of them but never actually seen one in place before. What a piece of kit that is. :thumb


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Great report! One of the places I've always wanted to get into! heard loads of stories about this place. Especially the difficulty getting in!

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