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Report - Camden Catacombs - London - November 2011

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big in japan
Regular User
with Rookie, Millhouse and Gone

Better late than never..


The first stop on our little trip to London (catas, lots road)back in November was the Camden Catas. While not strictly catacombs in the proper sense of the word (they were just used for storing and moving horses in the 19th Century rather than any crazy religious practices) they are underground and name kind of rolls off the tongue - which is why I guess the name has stuck.

Once on the Camden lock, It didn't take us long to find the probable entrance to the catas - only problem was the stupid amount of people milling about (it is one of London's top tourist districts after all..). We hopped over the bridge and began inflating our argos dingy (in super stealth day glo orange) thinking we were out of sight.

We weren't.

I looked up to a see a 6 year old Spanish girl, who must have been dawdling behind her mother staring down at me over the lip of the bridge. She gave me a look as if to say "aren't you a bit to old for this nonsense old bean?" before calling her mum and serenading me (to the tune of Nerr nerr ne nerr nerr) with:

"They're in the rubbbbishhhh".

hmmphh... This is doing nothing for my street cred.

We got our vessel on the water and me and Millhouse jumped in - the plan being to do some kind of two and fro - picking up Gone and Rookie in shifts until we were all there like one of those fox, chicken, sheep and boat type puzzles they used to give you at school on rainy days.


That catas were ok - but they've been bricked up in a lot of parts, and a couple of the them have been renovated, probably to expand the clubs and bars located above.







To avoid more pissing about with the toy sized dingy - we thought it'd be a brilliant idea to escape on a massive block of styrofoam.

Once out, we spent a good hour sculking about trying to find the "Camden Rat Hole" with no luck what so ever, and after consoling ourselves with some Morrisons reduced sandwiches, we headed into the City for some rooftops.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi mate

Great report, I'm not sure if you are the same person who I just messaged on another site?

Anyway, thank you for posting this, I and I'm sure all the members here are very grateful, it looks amazing in there!
I am quite new to exploring and would love toget in here, I don't expect you to give me your entry point or anything like that but would you be able to tell me if this would still be accessible by water? I have read somewhere that these can get flooded?

Any advice / help would be greatly appreciated, or if you wanted to go there again and would be happy to be a guide, I'd make sure there would be a good few beers in it for you!
And of course I will cover all costs for equipment needed...

Did you ever find the Camden Rat Hole? I would be happy to help you look for that also.

Please message me here or at

Many thanks


living in a cold world
Regular User
Sweet 4 year bump. Both are still do able, get out there and look and you'll maybe find them with ease, both are well documented on the internet.


big in japan
Regular User
Hi mate

Great report, I'm not sure if you are the same person who I just messaged on another site?

Anyway, thank you for posting this, I and I'm sure all the members here are very grateful, it looks amazing in there!
I am quite new to exploring and would love toget in here, I don't expect you to give me your entry point or anything like that but would you be able to tell me if this would still be accessible by water? I have read somewhere that these can get flooded?

Any advice / help would be greatly appreciated, or if you wanted to go there again and would be happy to be a guide, I'd make sure there would be a good few beers in it for you!
And of course I will cover all costs for equipment needed...

Did you ever find the Camden Rat Hole? I would be happy to help you look for that also.

Please message me here or at

Many thanks

I've absolutely no idea if its still accessible or not, was 4 years ago, a lot can happen in that time, don't see why not though.
I did find the rat hole, about 3 and a half years ago I think.
Good luck!


28DL Full Member
Worst bit about Camden Catacombs is getting the bloody boat to go in the right direction