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Report - - Camden Horse Tunnels (Catacombs) and Rat Hole Tunnel, London, Feb 2012 and April 2012 | Underground Sites |

Report - Camden Horse Tunnels (Catacombs) and Rat Hole Tunnel, London, Feb 2012 and April 2012


Having a blonde moment
28DL Full Member
Visited with Catullus. We started off with the western tunnel and rat hole (up empty carriage line). Catullus has since been back there and has found that the hatch down to the rat tunnel from the western horse tunnel has been padlocked.
After acquiring a dinghy, we decided to give the eastern horse tunnels (aka Camden Catacombs) a visit. It was a nice day and Camden was pretty busy so we got a few strange looks as we paddled down the canal.
There is currently work going on in the eastern horse tunnels. There was lighting and workers’ stuff down there and breeze block walls have been built between the horse tunnels and what looked like the basement of a neighbouring building.

Tunnels were built under Camden Goods Yard in 1854-56 so that horses working in the goods yard could make their way safely beneath the tracks to and from their stables (this is the eastern horse tunnel). The eastern tunnel is Grade II listed. At 30 Oval Road the developer, Mandrake Properties, has had approval to demolish the staircase leading from the horse tunnel to ground level as part of a new office and housing development, and to block up the tunnels.
A second tunnel (the western tunnel) was built to connect with Allsop's stables. The western tunnel has shaft access to the rat hole (up empty carriage line). The up empty carriage line runs from just south of Primrose Hill Tunnel where it used to connect to the up slow Broad Street line which in turn connected to the up slow Euston line just prior to the Central Tunnel Mouth.

The Rat Hole Tunnel




The Eastern Horse Tunnels







28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi mate

Great report, thank you for posting this, I and I'm sure all the members here are very grateful, it looks amazing in there!
I am quite new to exploring and would love toget in here, I don't expect you to give me your entry point or anything like that but would you be able to tell me if this would still be accessible by water? I have read somewhere that these can get flooded?

Any advice / help would be greatly appreciated, or if you wanted to go there again and would be happy to be a guide, I'd make sure there would be a good few beers in it for you!
And of course I will cover all costs for equipment needed...

Please message me here or at

Many thanks



28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Thank you, yes I removed that comment, have you ever been there mrwhite? Or would you like to?
Best regards