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Report - - Small expedition to the Camden Rathole - London | Underground Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Small expedition to the Camden Rathole - London

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28DL Full Member
Dont get too freaked out about who reads the forum, just use common sense, at the end of the day it is a legally questionable activity and this is a public forum. However Rathole is very cool especially if you are just starting out. It's nice to see people cutting their teeth on underground London rather than just focusing on rooftops and construction sites.

Good luck to you and hope to see a full report soon


28DL Member
28DL Member
Dont get too freaked out about who reads the forum, just use common sense, at the end of the day it is a legally questionable activity and this is a public forum. However Rathole is very cool especially if you are just starting out. It's nice to see people cutting their teeth on underground London rather than just focusing on rooftops and construction sites.

Good luck to you and hope to see a full report soon
I'd like to go back soon tbh. Waterylemon is less keen but hopefully by the end of this month we would have at least visited something, ideally we go back to the rathole though. Would you be able to assist in finding the metropolitan water board tunnel though? If you'd like the full report first or want to see a bit more evidence we aren't police or security ofc I'll understand but your report looked great and I would love to see it for myself.

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