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Report - CEMEX Floors Cement Plant, Rochester - January 2020

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I did thank you. I think what we do, does bring other comfort at times.
Absolutely, I wouldn’t even be alive if it wasn’t for my great grandmother’s efforts at Chatham Dockyard during the war, it’s crazy how these places can have such a close connection to people


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
You covered the events of the evening really well @LashedLlama wasnt expecting too much out of this place but had just enough Derpyness to make it good. Photos are nicely lit, was that the dual light painting? You need to get yourself a Lenser now

Yeah I remember the "main event" but wasnt exploring then....actually remember the whole lot live when it was Blue Circle! Huge site.

Probably best we dont return too soon though.
My dad used to work there in the '70s for Blue Circle...


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Like it, the dusty covered machines, shoots etc make for nice shots. My father was very high up in Blue Circle cement, as mentioned above. He managed sites all over Kent. So im guessing this one too would of been managed by him & others. Nice to see it, as my dad died at 30. So to see this is quite good for me. Thank you :D
My father also worked there in the '70s. He designed dust filters for the chimneys. He may well have known ur father.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
My father also worked there in the '70s. He designed dust filters for the chimneys. He may well have known ur father.

Yep my father was there until he went to Kenya, as he wanted to oversee the building of the Nairobi bridge, as he had input into its design. This build was connected to Blue Circle and he died whilst at work out there in 1978. So they well could of known each other. My father also was in charge of blowing up the old cement factory in Greenhithe, so I spent many a day roaming that site. Started young lol


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Yep my father was there until he went to Kenya, as he wanted to oversee the building of the Nairobi bridge, as he had input into its design. This build was connected to Blue Circle and he died whilst at work out there in 1978. So they well could of known each other. My father also was in charge of blowing up the old cement factory in Greenhithe, so I spent many a day roaming that site. Started young lol
My father also worked at greenhithe- used to call it Research. Met my mum there. After that closed and Rugby took over the Halling site he ended up office bound in Gravesend...


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Ah dont take the Mickey, poor kid was born like that ;)
Exactly mate! I present to you... exhibit A

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