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Report - - Clarence High School - Formby - January 2023 | Other Sites | Page 3 |

Report - Clarence High School - Formby - January 2023

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Amazing to hear from people who attended this place. People seem to think it was a very positive place that actually helped kids. Makes you wonder why it's being shut down?
Because it was run like a borstal like SCUM the film, closed after countless reports of abuse, no info no records according to police, I been searching a while now & I think only on dark web will info be there as Google & other search engines hide these reports, only wished back in 2008 I'd saved the info but back then it was to raw & after scrolling past 100 or so reports all in paper I closed it down & tried forget about it. If I do find more info I'd gladly share it on here as this truth needs to be out there.

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