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Report - - Couple shots around Sheffield, 01/25 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Couple shots around Sheffield, 01/25


Professional Twat
28DL Full Member
Only really putting this up as I’m quite happy with how these turned out and would love to show them about, it won’t really follow a report but I’ll link locations that I mention and give a little rundown on them, as well as include any shots I got around the city
If this doesn’t fit the forum guidelines I fully understand 😁

William Rowland

I always wanted to revisit this one anyway, I look back a lot of my photos and realise I didn’t really do it much justice in my opinion, and with the recent apparent fire and the place slowly being emptied further I figured I’d get back and get some last shots of the factory space






City Centre Clutch

Less of an explore, more of a wide open window, may as well. It wasn’t the most interesting although seeing the gantry rails was cool, I loved the light baby blue, a shame there were no cranes present on them. Couldn’t get more shots as we heard someone moving about and bolted it before we found out who it is





Union Carbide

Not successful at all, we waltzed through the main gain and managed to get quite far before a bus driver stopped us and asked what we were doing. We explained we were photographers, and if they want us gone we’ll go, and even though he said it’s fine and he can contact security to see if they’ll let us stay on site as he wasn’t bothered as long as we don’t go near the buses, I figured I took the hint and left. Lovely day though, which is why I’m still including the shots





I’m just putting there’s here for the sake of it, just glad to show my first proper set of film shots to be fair haha







And a lovely selfie from spoons


Like I said if this doesn’t fit guidelines I understand and will take it down. Stay safe people!


Professional Twat
28DL Full Member
Some nice shots. The water tower looks interesting 🤔
Really wanted to get up it to be fair, JaffaTB had some great shots from the top. Honestly I wish I was ballsier that day and just went along with his offer to contact security to keep us on site, as I would’ve loved to see it up close. I know full well they wouldn’t have let us climb it though

There’s a couple small buildings around the base too, a third visit is due!


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Really wanted to get up it to be fair, JaffaTB had some great shots from the top. Honestly I wish I was ballsier that day and just went along with his offer to contact security to keep us on site, as I would’ve loved to see it up close. I know full well they wouldn’t have let us climb it though

There’s a couple small buildings around the base too, a third visit is due!
Yeah I've seen that, I'd like to get at closer look at/in them both.


Professional Twat
28DL Full Member
Yeah I've seen that, I'd like to get at closer look at/in them both.
Honestly I’d say take the safe route with the front gate and just ask, both times when I went there was no safe way on site, it’s very live and the empty bit on google earth is now a construction site. If you ask at the front gate or call their security number, they may let you on. Just ofc be sensible about it 😁