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Report - - Danilo / Cannon Cinema, Hinckley - Feb 2016 | Theatres and Cinemas |

Report - Danilo / Cannon Cinema, Hinckley - Feb 2016

Exploring with Andy

Behind Closed Doors
Staff member
Opening in 1936 the Danilo Cinema had seating for 1,250 people and was the most luxurious available at the time. The cinema opened with a single screen and small stage, and the seating was split between two levels – stalls at ground level and and a circle balcony.

The cinema was decorated in an Art Deco style with simple, modern lines throughout. A lot of thought had gone into the design and layout to ensure that all seats had a clear and uninterrupted view of the screen.

In August 1973 the Danilo was re-opened as three screen cinema which later became the Cannon. The circle level became one large screen and the stalls split into a further two smaller screens. The proscenium arch of the original stage can still be seen behind the current screen, however the bottom half is now cast in concrete from the creation of the lower two screens.

The cinema closed in 1993. The lower levels were converted and used as a bar called All Bar Sports from 1998 until 2004, unfortunately loosing the two smaller screens. The building has been out of use ever since and is now starting to suffer decay and water ingress.

Visited with @SpiderMonkey


1. External


2. Main auditorium


3. Side view


4. Read of auditorium


5. View from back


6. Decaying seats


7. View from stage


8. Entrance to auditorium


9. Entranceway


10. The proscenium arch of the old state. The lower half was set in concrete during the creation of the lower two screens.


11. Rear of the cinema screen


12. Projector seats


13. No projectors left in the projector room


14. A Nevelector. Always a joy to shoot.


15. Entrance foyer

16. Steps from upper lobby


17. The upper lobby


18. Sports bar​


28DL Member
28DL Member
Such a shame. I have many happy memories there.
My mum worked there as an Usher & Ice Cream Lady, with her over the shoulder tray that she'd sell from during the intervals. When I was a child I got to sit in the projector room, watch films (my first being Annie) and get lots of treats from the staff. She has lots of interesting and embarrassing stories about people on the back seats!
In my teens I'd go there with my friends at weekends, and I was even crowned Carnival Queen on that stage in 1991. The last film I saw before it closed was The Bodyguard.
I now park next to it almost every day and see it fall apart as it's now just a home to flocks of pigeons.
There has been rumours about its use in the past, I used to hope that they would one day it would be renovated and restored back to a cinema, however, a brand new multi-million complex has opened with a sterile, characterless modern cinema so I know it will never happen.

Paul grant-reason

28DL Member
28DL Member
Hi Lisa .

I have great memories of this place too . I think I might remember your mum there as there was a lady who worked there at least from the late 70s , quite short with long , straight hair ? Might not be her but anyway . I was in my early teens at the time but used to rehearse there with a band . The guitarist ( who's band it was ) was the projectionist . His name was Pete Cox . Not the singer from Go West haha ! He lived on Druid Street and was at the cinema maybe from 1978 to mid 80s or possibly later. He had really long hair , you might even remember him ? I spent lots of time there , chatting with Pete in the projection room and reversing in Saturday and Sunday mornings . Happy days and I'm still very much involved with music.

Great that you've got happy memories of the place too and seeing these pics is great , though really sad that's it's just left to decay now. I remember the people who worked there being a nice lot and so easy going about some long haired teenager just wondering in to see his mate working there . You wouldn't find that now eh !

Be nice to know if your mum remembers Pete or the band. I won't post the bands name . Was TOO embarrassing !!!!

Paul grant-reason

28DL Member
28DL Member
Wow ! This is amazing and sad to see . Great job with the pics. I pass this place everyday and watch slowly fall apart . Moved to Hinckley in 77 as a kid and went there in the first day in town to watch Carry on Behind .
Not the best Carry On !
The place has another bit of history as the projectionist , Pete was a guitarist and I was in his band around 82/83. We rehearsed in Cinema 2 where the sports bar now is .
We gigged a fair bit and I used to dream about doing a gig on the stage upstairs where cinema 1 is .
Any idea who owns it now ? Such a sad waste to let it just tumble down . Think I'd rather see it pulled down than just rot away .

Great pics again and I'm now 14 again seeing it !!!!
Thanks .
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28DL Member
28DL Member
Hi Lisa .

I have great memories of this place too . I think I might remember your mum there as there was a lady who worked there at least from the late 70s , quite short with long , straight hair ? Might not be her but anyway . I was in my early teens at the time but used to rehearse there with a band . The guitarist ( who's band it was ) was the projectionist . His name was Pete Cox . Not the singer from Go West haha ! He lived on Druid Street and was at the cinema maybe from 1978 to mid 80s or possibly later. He had really long hair , you might even remember him ? I spent lots of time there , chatting with Pete in the projection room and reversing in Saturday and Sunday mornings . Happy days and I'm still very much involved with music.

Great that you've got happy memories of the place too and seeing these pics is great , though really sad that's it's just left to decay now. I remember the people who worked there being a nice lot and so easy going about some long haired teenager just wondering in to see his mate working there . You wouldn't find that now eh !

Be nice to know if your mum remembers Pete or the band. I won't post the bands name . Was TOO embarrassing !!!!

Hi Paul. I dont remember the band, but I was only young as I was born in 77. That short lady wasn't my mum but I do know who she is as she was very close friends with my mum. My mum, at the time, was a rather larger lady with dark hair, probably a mullet lol.
It's heartbreaking now watching it slowly fall apart. I expect it'll be demolished & become a block of flats eventually. It did get a lick of paint a few years ago when the Prince Edward visited the college. Someone owns it, just dont know who.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Hi Lisa

My wife worked there as an usherette and also sold ice-cream, maybe your mum knows her, her name is Lisa. Had many a good time watching many films there with free pass. Mr Nicoles and his wife run it if I remember. What is your mum's name?