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Report - - Dawson's Fabrics, Greenside Mill, Skelmanthorpe, West Yorks, May 2021 | Industrial Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Dawson's Fabrics, Greenside Mill, Skelmanthorpe, West Yorks, May 2021

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Cracking report very well covered plenty left there. When i saw your pic of the telephone directories i thought its ages since i last used one of them i'm guessing they must be almost obsolete now in this digital age.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Amazing selection of images, great to see so much of it covered.
Cheers mate. Much appreciated

Never seen this place before. Loving that machinery. Look's well worth a visit.
Well worth the effort mate...

You got some great pics there mate. The spinning room looks really nice. Some cool decay.
Cool old machines and great decay. It's a winner innit?

Very nice, I shall have to go & see this one for myself
Get yer sen down @Bikin Glynn

Spot on HughieD, nicely done:thumb
Cheers mate. Much appreciated.

This is a bit nice. Cracking images. So much to see. Lovely report :thumb
Thank you @Calamity Jane


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Cracking report very well covered plenty left there. When i saw your pic of the telephone directories i thought its ages since i last used one of them i'm guessing they must be almost obsolete now in this digital age.
Cheers mate. Yup. Completely obsolete. Remember the lag line "let your fingers do the walking"?


28DL Full Member
Every photo here is amazing quality, I'm jealous!! Excellent coverage and quality = 5/5 stars, especially with the extra factory history. I enjoyed this immensely

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