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Report - Derby Central Library Clock Tower - June 2023

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Derby Central Library Clock Tower - June 2023

Derby is rather lacking in tall things compared to neighbouring cities such as Nottingham and Leicester. I think I'm correct that the cathedral is still actually the tallest structure in the city centre?? So when the former Central Library and its clocktower were covered in scaff this summer it seemed fitting to go and have a climb.

Visited solo at dumb o’clock in the morning hence the weird light. I would have rather gone up for night time shots but it just didn’t end up happening.

Here's an old picture. It still looks the same now only with more trees in the way.


From the top, over The Strand with the cathederal in the middle

Derby Central Library Clock Tower - 18th June (5).jpg

Derby Central Library Clock Tower - 18th June (10).jpg

Looking towards Victoria Street. Note the attractive grey box that is the Derbion centre.

Derby Central Library Clock Tower - 18th June (11).jpg

The Wardwick and Becket Street

Derby Central Library Clock Tower - 18th June (7).jpg

Cheapside, Bold Lane and towards Friar Gate

Derby Central Library Clock Tower - 18th June (2).jpg

Market Place with the Guildhall clock tower peeking out

Derby Central Library Clock Tower - 18th June (12).jpg

Weather vane

Derby Central Library Clock Tower - 18th June (9).jpg

Derby Central Library Clock Tower - 18th June (4).jpg

Derby Central Library Clock Tower - 18th June (3).jpg

And finally the face!


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