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Question - - Does anyone know the old RAF base where this Dodge is? Saw it on a group and it looks like a great explore. | Military Sites | Page 2 |

Question - Does anyone know the old RAF base where this Dodge is? Saw it on a group and it looks like a great explore.


Stay Safe
Staff member
The policy of this forum is indeed to identify locations and give a short history. It has been reported on here at least once and little vandalism is evident as the owner lives very nearby.

Last visited this location many years ago when the gliding club and mobile control room was still in use. The Army Air Corps have since moved out of the neighbouring airfield and an RLC Logistics Regiment moved in and gliding club closed down and associated hangers near the abandoned bomb dump removed.

The location is of course Dishforth in North Yorkshire bordering the A1M. The former RAF Airfield DH which is still visible on Google Earth.

Bomb Dump is used these days by an Airsoft/Paintball club who help keep the location in good order, and even cut some of the grass.

Nice pub in the village.
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I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
I knew someone would know!

You can even see the truck on the aerial view.

The Young One

Asbestos lover
28DL Full Member
I found the spot and a nuke?

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