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Question - East Goscote / Leicestershire / Tunnel System?

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Don't wanna ask at mo not well :( . I'd love to have a look.

Hi Sean, Many thanks for offering this very useful information. In the grand scheme of things it isn't important that access is offered right now, what is most important is to respect your family relation and hope his health improves. The most important detail is that evidence exists of a known entrance in private property (your family) that will I'm sure contribute to the investigation .. other entrances around the village exist, but to gain access on a legal basis and I (personally) hope produce a tv documentary and reveal what lays beneath the village to its residents we need to tread carefully. Gather all sources of information, maps, plans, photographs, testimonials, etc.. without creating any unnecessary fears or suspicion. I used to live on the village when it was under development.. my previous posts in this forum will fill you in.

I'm happy to share my knowledge and identity in private so that we can communicate in detail and make a little progress.. are you happy to be contacted privately? A simply yes/no will suffice and be respected. The simple reason is simple.. privacy and security.


28DL Member
28DL Member
I lived in the village from birth to 9 years old, 1968 to 1977. I remember the grass receding on the mound and the concrete being exposed. There were a few big cracks and I remember bars and darkness. Also I haven't seen any mention on here (I may have missed it, apologies if that's the case) about the long mound at the back of the school. Me and my brother ( 2 years older than me ) both remember a long mound at the back of the school that we would play on at break times. We both remember concrete under the soil. I now live about 40 minutes from the village and ride around it quite often on my motorbike. As I get older I grow increasingly interested in this. Also does anyone remember the old army truck in the field the other side of the brook on Long Furrow?

Clive Beasley

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I was just doing some background reading about East Goscote in Leicestershire the other day and stumbled over a wiki and local pages which says there was an extensive tunnel system there during WW2 for ammunition storage and the similar ordnance. I just wonder if anyone knew any more about it... according to the article the 'plans' which showed the tunnel layout have been 'mislaid' deliberately.

Any info appreciated.
Hi Bob if I were you I would put all this underground tunnel stuff down to a hoax. There is even silly talk about mustard gas stored there ! I have been to the national archives and researched this story I have seen the records that deal with the building of the ROF and there is no mention of any form of tunnelling and associated machinery. Also the site only produced fuzes for shells and bombs it certainly was not filling shells, to carry out that work the site would have been much bigger with all sorts of specialised machinery. If you read English Heritages book Dangerous Energy you will see exactly what it takes to produce explosives and fill shells it also tells you what each ROF was producing before/during and after the war but feel free to hunt for tunnels. Clive.


28DL Member
28DL Member
I moved to East Goscote about 4 years ago and always heard old rumours when working around the village. Some people saying there was access in people's back gardens etc. Fascinating really and glad this post on here has taken off. I searched a bit last year and came to dead ends but didn't realise this post had gained momentum.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Ive uncovered somthing that was overgrown out the way.thats intresting i also heard that one of the pipes used to be used by ta to gain entry for training purposes many years ago

Clive Beasley

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This is ridiculous it's all " I know someone who said that or a relative has a hatch in their garden/there was a map in the library . Some years ago I wrote a letter to Holloway Brothers ( they were the contractors who built the site ) and asked the question they replied that they have no record of tunnels and sent a copy of a drawing that showed the site when it was finished and it showed many huts where the fuzes were assembled and all were revetted to eliminate a chain reaction should a hut explode. It also showed a light railway going around the site so that the finished fuzes could be taken to the storage bunkers.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Not being funny why would they tell you .they dont want you getting in .theres several people on the village with them in the garden and theres people on this group who ive spoken 2 who no things as well why would we lie .you beleave what you want .

Clive Beasley

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Who doesn't want people getting in ? If you mean the original builders or the Defence Ministry it now has nothing to do with them so you would have to speak to Jelsons. Personally I have doubts because I do not think that building domestic houses over a former Royal Ordnance factory especially if there were tunnels below ground would have been allowed. Lastly just suppose the said tunnels did exist it would mean everybody who lives on Goscote would see there property become worthless !


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
You entitled to your own opinion. But theres to many people who now things about it to not be true and the main entrance to the base was under the plough .theres an old gentalmen from thurmo that told us he was a strutaul engineer abd he had to go down there to inspect it for jelsons so they could bulid on it.bin talking to loads people there was a tunnel which came out where queniborough tennis courts are not that got covered over.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Calm down guys. I grew up nearby and have a friend who grew up there. I'd love there to be a history under there even if there is nothing left, but as it stands it's still heresay and rumour. I'm in no way questioning anyone who says they know and remember what was/is there, I'd just really like to some maps/plans/photos. I can't believe there would be a large underground structure without some documentary evidence or photos being out there somewhere.

Clive Beasley

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Well said cassandrac The National Archives hold all the files appertaining to the construction of the site and I spent a day going through them one section gives lists of all the materials used and there is no mention of tunnelling machinery . No quantities of steel rods for reinforced concrete no industrial cement mixers etc it is as you said heresay .

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