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Report - - East Tilbury Gun Battery..June 2018 | Military Sites | Page 2 |

Report - East Tilbury Gun Battery..June 2018

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Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Thank you Jane, is there an angry farmer ha ha. I thought only a certain breed did them sort of night explores :D :D You should go back, and go in the day he he
Yep it was a night time one, had been to Surrey that day too. Bumped into a couple of members from here on that night doing here. But yep I generally only do day explores, this was last of the day. Friends had told me the farm land we crossed had a very angry farmer who threatened them in the day!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Super pics of a great place !! Being a farmer myself ,it made me chuckle when 'an Angry Farmer' was mentioned !!
Judging by the artwork ,maybe its not just people wanting to appreciate its history ,but more of the suss it out for gatherings maybe ?

Only a guess .

Keep up the good work ;)

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