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Report - - Elton Mill, Cambridgeshire - January 2022 | Industrial Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Elton Mill, Cambridgeshire - January 2022

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
crawling up from the river under the water wheels. there are 2 different races go under the mill (one has a geocache up there).
Hence as someone suggested this place is sometimes sealed, its always accessible if u are prepared to get wet ;-)
Haha I never thought about that to be honest! Might have to give it a go one day. That photo under the wheel is awesome.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I definitely didn't fancy climbing the races, there's a good flow on them at the moment, the mill is currently sealed, unless you fancy climbing to the 3rd floor :lol looks very fresh too, so I've just missed access I guess :(


28DL Regular User
Regular User
I definitely didn't fancy climbing the races, there's a good flow on them at the moment, the mill is currently sealed, unless you fancy climbing to the 3rd floor :lol looks very fresh too, so I've just missed access I guess :(
That's a shame! I was going to revisit at some point with the camera. Useful info though.

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