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Fifteen Years of Decay - Mook's Special Anniversary Photo Superthread

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Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
Seriously cool stuff, just loads of great stuff. Love that description of Hellingly. A very nice overview of places that have defined the urbex scene over the years - bet it took a while just to make a list of 100 let alone caption them all. I have to say though it does make the UK these days seem pretty lacking for exploring compared to the US! Did you ever find the stricter approach to trespassing in the US an obstacle?


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Seriously cool stuff, just loads of great stuff. Love that description of Hellingly. A very nice overview of places that have defined the urbex scene over the years - bet it took a while just to make a list of 100 let alone caption them all. I have to say though it does make the UK these days seem pretty lacking for exploring compared to the US! Did you ever find the stricter approach to trespassing in the US an obstacle?

For me it's a combination of generally slowing down and simply enjoying my time over there more than here :rofl

I've had some very hairy moments over there which could have gone really badly were it not for some dumb luck or fate intervening in a few occasions, all of my friends over there have found themselves arrested at some point, some have spent time in jail, some have been held at gunpoint in places. Although honestly it's the local population in a lot of the areas I visit that give me more cause to watch my back!


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Also thanks everyone for the kind comments, I dunno if I'll still be bumbling around in another fifteen years but I kind of hope so!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Worth logging back in here after god knows how many years to congratulate you on such a great retrospective, some excellent "commitment to the cause" shown there.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I do love seeing other people's retrospectives, to see how far they've come in their exploring career. And knowing that we've explored together over the years and crossed paths with some places, seeing this is an absolute joy.

I know you probably won't mark it as your favourite place ever, but if there's one place I associate with your career, this is the one that sticks in my mind. U.S. Military Hospital


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Excellent selection, you've certainly been about over the fifteen years!

I was not a fan of the loose dogs at Bellerbys.


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
I do love seeing other people's retrospectives, to see how far they've come in their exploring career. And knowing that we've explored together over the years and crossed paths with some places, seeing this is an absolute joy.

I know you probably won't mark it as your favourite place ever, but if there's one place I associate with your career, this is the one that sticks in my mind. U.S. Military Hospital

You're one of the very few people who I've known for basically the whole time I've been exploring, we've certainly had some times together haha.

That hospital was seriously cool, even if I was so tired at the time I barely knew what was going on.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
That's an impressive overview of your 15 years of exploring. I have to say they don't build them like they used to, and I reckon we as older explorers of this game and all also the early community got some of the best places covered in those early years.

I wished you'd seen Herdmans when it was full of looms.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Incredible work putting that all together, I can’t begin to imagine how much effort that took. But so so worth it. There’s some epic shots in there and I loved reading the anectdotes too, I think it was Mansfield hospital with the last security guard and German shepard that made me chuckle the most.
Outstanding report that I hope is read by many.


"Landie" or Harry
Regular User
Sorry I only got round to reading this now! What an amazing set of photos and places; I'm glad I was present at quite a large number of these! It has made me think that I should speed things up a bit myself as I also slowed down slightly to focus on cars! Either way, a fabulous set of photos and a really great read! Well done mate!

I also hit 15 years in February but forgot to do one of these!


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Sorry I only got round to reading this now! What an amazing set of photos and places; I'm glad I was present at quite a large number of these! It has made me think that I should speed things up a bit myself as I also slowed down slightly to focus on cars! Either way, a fabulous set of photos and a really great read! Well done mate!

I also hit 15 years in February but forgot to do one of these!

You and TBM have been there almost since the very beginning of my escapades :lit

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