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Question - Fleet sewer pictures


28DL Member
28DL Member
Hey everyone. I'm hoping that someone on this awesome site can help me. I'm designing a magazine feature about London's lost rivers. I have plenty of historical images from photo libraries, but nothing from down below recently. I've found some amazing low resolution images ( - is he still active?). I'm looking for anything large scale, impressive, moody. Can anyone help?



Staff member
Well, first of all you've posted this in the wrong section, have you even read the Drain board ?

Also if you use the search box there's plenty on the Fleet and other 'lost' rivers...

I covered it end to end a fair few years back with plenty of pics, others have fairly pic heavy threads too, everything you need is here, just remember to ask for permission before using images


28DL Member
28DL Member
Thanks for directing me Ojay. Should’ve checked the site thoroughly before posting, didn’t see the drains board but got it now.

Adders, all I was asking for was advice on who to ask. Last time I checked, advice was free.


living in a cold world
Regular User
Both Ojay and myself have photographs of the Fleet that we own copyright for, and would be in position to license out to your magazine, should we agree to your terms. My question was asking if you were actually intending to pay for other people's work, or not.


Rum Swigger
28DL Full Member
Pretty sure you’re asking for photographs........not advice

Or if you are looking for advice it’s where to get photos