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Report - - Former MOD Torpedo Testing Observation Facility (porthkerris point June 24) | Military Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Former MOD Torpedo Testing Observation Facility (porthkerris point June 24)

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Nicely done. I do believe it's only the second time this has been covered.
It's way out in sticks ain't it which is prob why.



28DL Member
28DL Member
any ideas/translations of the etchings on the wall??
I can elucidate.
VDGG: Van Der graaf Generator
CMB + top logo: Combine (Half-life)
Faust IV: krautrock album
Japanese: I don't know either. Bogdan Raczynski.
Crude logo: Aphex Twin.
Bottom logo + M脣KAN脧K ZAIN. 70's Zeuhl, MAGMA.
Hammer/sickle/?: sympathy for bordgist international?


Hello Officer
28DL Full Member
Nice to see this one done, walked past a few times but yet to go in. Is it still MOD property?

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