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grumpy sod
Regular User
Proper fucked aint they. Thats the problem with the Stroud mills they're either so far gone its not even worth a nose or tighter than a nuns chuff.

Indeed! Ham Mill still looks enticing though, haven't seen anything from that place in years but it's still there and possibly up for sale I believe.

Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
Nothing special sadly was out yesterday as rained of and decided to go for a walk .
this mine shut in 1921 and access is still lost which is very sad , as the mine grew to it’s full size and reached their boundary line on their retreat they started removing all the roof supports technically name is pillar / pillar robbing also they removed the ribs in some of the tunnels “ side of the tunnel wall which you would walk in “ here is some Photos of the destruction caused at the surface from 45ft below ground so not deep Normally around here we are 90-115ft underground.

collapse city




last photo locals trying to fill in the growing sink holes as the ground is still moving today

Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
@Scoobysrt ye they don’t always do it as it’s very dangerous , it’s just to gain maximum material even more dangerous if you go inside them now as the ceilings are just floating on very little and it makes it very maze like they still confuse me inside, once pillars have been removed their is very little points of reference not a place for the inexperienced You need to be quite mad to enter


Amateur and proud
28DL Full Member
I know that this isn't exploration in the true sense of this forum but would be a shame not to nip to Roche Rock when in the area and it still makes for a nice picture.


Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
Northamptonshire quarry
The other day after work me and my
Mate went out for a little search around a local quarry with very short lived mines , was very interesting if you understand all of the local history etc but without boring everybody to death the site started the hole of the mining boom in the East Midlands it’s iron ore went to the great exhibition in London in 1851 because of this quarry’s mines started springing up everywhere all with serving narrow gauge lines that linked to the main lines . All of this was mined/quarried by hand the carts pushed by hand as they didn’t even earn enough for a pony !

I didn’t think this was worthy of a full report as it’s more of a historical interest, which enless your local you wouldn’t understand etc hope ya enjoy the few photos! If I have put it in the wrong section feel free to move it

The former tramway route threw the quarry

Former tramway passage

Heavy rain washing the bank away the tree still holds on

Time for a tight squeeze inside for a peak

Very strange feels like I am not in Northamptonshire at this point !

Like the looks of this !! Their was more passage at this point didn’t really bother to photo it as such as it all looks the same with no key features.
a collapse stopped us eventually

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