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Report - Gray's Vehicle Yard, Norfolk - January 2023

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Heard about this a while back but have always struggled to find the exact location of it. Great photos. Would love to see this place


28DL Member
28DL Member
I’ve only just realised where this is - literally a ten minute drive from my house! I would like to go and visit but I’m also struggling to find it, could anybody point me in the right direction so to speak?


28DL Member
28DL Member
I live just around the corner from this place, but struggling to find it. Any pointers would be appreciated.
On another note, has anyone taken a look at the now empty abattoir around the corner from the fox and hounds pub?

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
I’ve only just realised where this is - literally a ten minute drive from my house! I would like to go and visit but I’m also struggling to find it, could anybody point me in the right direction so to speak?

I live just around the corner from this place, but struggling to find it. Any pointers would be appreciated.
On another note, has anyone taken a look at the now empty abattoir around the corner from the fox and hounds pub?

how can you guys know you are just round the corner but cant find it?
if it was within 20 mile of my house its highly unlikely I wouldn't of found it!

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