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Report - - Greenham Common (Gama) Thatcham, Berkshire - June 2014 | Military Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Greenham Common (Gama) Thatcham, Berkshire - June 2014

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Stay Safe
Staff member
BGM-109G Gryphon Transporter Erector Launcher (TEL) showing 4 missile launch tubes [It was these that were stored in the bunkers]

Of course the Missiles were designed to be deployed away from Greenham Common in times of high alert, and a number of pre-surveyed sites were prepared in advance.


Bertie Bollockbrains

There is no pain
Regular User
Thanks Lenston, I think a visit might be imminent then. It will be quite a trek for me as I live in Northumberland but its a place I have wanted to visit for ages. When the Missiles first came to the country they were stored in Northumberland prior to being taken to Greenham.

Let me gives you the latest heads up - wouldn't want you to drive all the way from Northumberland for a fail.

Within the last month I have entered this site, but couldn't look around too much as in the site were several motorcyclists. I don't think they were security as they were acting as if for the first time in their lives they were able to ride their machines within worrying about the Highway Code. They were having serious fun! I observed one of them enter the site using a key and unlocking a gate in the fence. The same day I saw a group of youngsters sneak in through the fence looking like explorers but they had a massive video camera complete with one those microphone things on a long pole. I couldn't make sense what was going on so I left. This place remains on my to-do list.

On another day within the last month I seen the site full of police being used for dog training.

Hope this helps.


Let's do this
Regular User
Great report. Been meaning to take a look at this for ages.

Let me gives you the latest heads up - wouldn't want you to drive all the way from Northumberland for a fail.

Within the last month I have entered this site, but couldn't look around too much as in the site were several motorcyclists. I don't think they were security as they were acting as if for the first time in their lives they were able to ride their machines within worrying about the Highway Code. They were having serious fun! I observed one of them enter the site using a key and unlocking a gate in the fence. The same day I saw a group of youngsters sneak in through the fence looking like explorers but they had a massive video camera complete with one those microphone things on a long pole. I couldn't make sense what was going on so I left. This place remains on my to-do list.

On another day within the last month I seen the site full of police being used for dog training.

Hope this helps.

Some strange activity for sure.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Me and a couple others went in there during the star wars filming, we had no idea it was there, but we got to see/go inside the Millennium Falcon (although only being half built).


28DL Full Member
Me and a couple others went in there during the star wars filming, we had no idea it was there, but we got to see/go inside the Millennium Falcon (although only being half built).

Haha yeah rite and did darth vader chase you off with his light sabre


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Please can someone message if they have visited recently (after filming) ?