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Report - - Hammersmith Storm Relief (Serpent’s Lair) – London – August 2019 | UK Draining Forum | Page 2 |

Report - Hammersmith Storm Relief (Serpent’s Lair) – London – August 2019

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Old Hammersmith Pumping Station is now a Thames Water sewer workers depot. Its been split into two by a new floor added at ground level. Whats become the basement is original but all the pumps are gone.

You probably walked under it past the blocked off suction tunnels. You get a good view from the end of St. James Street - shown in old pic, its just accross the road from the new station., but is mostly hidden.
Your posts are fantastic, i'm loving these London sewer explores!





Loyal to the Drain
Regular User
Old Hammersmith Pumping Station is now a Thames Water sewer workers depot. Its been split into two by a new floor added at ground level. Whats become the basement is original but all the pumps are gone.

You probably walked under it past the blocked off suction tunnels. You get a good view from the end of St. James Street - shown in old pic, its just accross the road from the new station., but is mostly hidden.
Your posts are fantastic, i'm loving these London sewer explores!




Thanks for your kind comment. It's hard to beat the fun of exploring London's wonderful sewers.
The old photos are are always good to see. :thumb

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