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Report - - Harrow Hospital, London - April 2020 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - Harrow Hospital, London - April 2020

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Good afternoon lads and lasses,

we are new here and delighted to have joined the community! We did not even know about URBEX being 'a thing' until recently, so therefore we are super excited to share all the great adventures and gain some knowledge from y'all....

Up until now, we did not plan on any encounters but just 'accidentally bashed' into locations. We therefore don´t have much material as of yet, unfortunately many times we have been very cautious not to be discovered and refrained from pictures and videos. However, we do have some from THIS little daytrip we did: An abandoned hospital building in Harrow last year in April. Best thing for me personally was the peeling paint everywhere along with the light effects of the few open spaces, where the sun made it's way through the decayed roofs or holes in the walls...

There was no construction work or demolition taking place at that stage, so therefore it was very easy to get inside - only a 'danger' sign that could by no means hold us back from our adventure... But as mentioned, we did not plan on discovering this place, so therefore we had no funky equipment, no proper torch (only our mobiles), so therefore unfortunately no high quality footage. But I assume this location is not unknown to you or you could check it out this year, in the hope it was not demolished by now...

Here are our impressions:

















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28DL Member
28DL Member
hey that’s one of the neatest set of pics i’ve seen from an abandoned hospital from time, cheers for posting the explore ! Strangely I’ve never heard of this site or seen anything posted about it on here even though i’m local, do you have any other info (history, closure, name) you could dig up ?


28DL Member
28DL Member
yeah these pics are great, thanks for sharing! would definitely love to hear any other info too :D


28DL Member
28DL Member
hey that’s one of the neatest set of pics i’ve seen from an abandoned hospital from time, cheers for posting the explore ! Strangely I’ve never heard of this site or seen anything posted about it on here even though i’m local, do you have any other info (history, closure, name) you could dig up ?

Thanks, it was a great surprise indeed that we found this.
Unfortunately I am still quite in the dark in regards to it's history... I could not find many helpful things when I tried to google it. They appeared to have 3 other sites located in London but merged some branches to Harrow when first WW started (because they used the other London locations as emergency hospital for military)... I looked for older pictures of the site but because of the other branches that existed, I can´t really find this one. Based on the looks of the building and other site around I would guess it could have been built around 1920ish, there are weird cheap barracks and also modern buildings around as well though.


grumpy sod
Regular User
That's got a real oldschool derelict hospital feel to it, miles away from the sterile clean ones that pop up now. Good stuff!


28DL Member
28DL Member
Thanks a bunch lads, glad you like it - hopefully more to come soon (we finally can use our new action cam and torches now) :p

Oh wow that some neat decay ! It looks like it underground?
Nah we did not dare to go proper underground as we did come unprepared and had no torch with us... But my Mr. went down the hoistway there from the first picture but said there are just loads of pipes and cables and stuff. They might have those tunnels for transportation of goods etc. but we did not check on this on that occasion. We did go down some underground tunnels in Beelitz, Germany though and that was freaky!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I believe the title of this place is wrong. This is in fact the Zachary Merton Ward in the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital. Lots about this place on here. Nice pics.

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