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hello this is warning for fiddler ferry | New Members Introduction |

hello this is warning for fiddler ferry

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28DL Member
28DL Member
im spliffy my friend told me about warning at power station we went to go to but carnt as bad news for urbexers cos company seem piss off with people get court on sight here and injunction on there page now.

They have target some people who post videos in internt and you tube and etc and have show sum videos

This is scare urbexers so wont go here and if get court police an security will proscute for trespasing

This is just a friend warning as we where going weekend and can see on websight now they have leagle procedings for to scar people going for urbexing and videos


im spliffy my friend told me about warning at power station we went to go to but carnt as bad news for urbexers cos company seem piss off with people get court on sight here and injunction on there page now.

They have target some people who post videos in internt and you tube and etc and have show sum videos

This is scare urbexers so wont go here and if get court police an security will proscute for trespasing

This is just a friend warning as we where going weekend and can see on websight now they have leagle procedings for to scar people going for urbexing and videos

That was hard work lol.

Was only a matter of time, anyone who thinks they can go up against Peel needs to have a chat with themselves!

Just looking at 46 - 51 alone :rofl

46. A number of individuals involved have then posted about their exploits in accessing the Site on a number of internet and social media sites, including both Youtube and Facebook.

47. I am aware that our security personnel, led by Security Manager Stephen Catchpole (“Mr Catchpole”), have found flyers and stickers around the Site that refer to various social media pages that the trespassers have posted content relating to the Site on social media pages.

48. I am concerned that these incidents of trespass onto the Site have been widely publicised to specific interest groups and to the wider public. This gives rise to concerns that it may encourage others to attempt to gain unlawful access to the Site, whether by urban explorers or those trying to steal property, such as copper. Clearly, this presents a real threat to our ability to manage the Site and protect the health and safety of our personnel, those lawfully operating from the site and indeed any trespassers themselves.

49. I refer to the incident table exhibited at pages 105 to 111 of Exhibit KT1 which details the incidents that have occurred from August 2022, including the most recent trespass incidents that have taken placed in recent days.

50. I also refer to the heat map exhibited at page 5 of Exhibit KT1 that shows the points of access that the trespassers have gained unauthorised access to the Site. As can be seen on the heat map, numerous incidents have occurred, and continue to occur, across the entirety of the Site, including both the northern and southern parcels. The incidents include trespassers gaining entry to the Site through the security fencing that surrounds the large part of the Site, through neighbouring farmers’ fields and from the public footpath running along the Trans Pennine Way that runs along the boundary of the southern parcel of the Site and where access to the Site is through a locked gate that the trespassers have breached on more than one occasion.

51. I refer to various videos showing footage of a number of trespass incidents as detailed in the Schedule of Video Evidence at page 112 of Exhibit KT1. The videos referred to can be accessed on a secure USB provided to the court separately. Video 3 is a YouTube video in which the trespassers can be seen accessing multiple areas of the Site and climbing over and moving property in order to gain access: Exploring the ABANDONED/DECOMISSIONED powerstation in the UK - Fiddlers ferry powerstation - YouTube. I also refer to the photographs at pages 113 to 195 of Exhibit KT1 showing criminal damage to and trespass onto the Site. 52 The social media posts exhibited at pages 28 to 104 of Exhibit KT1 also show the scale and frequency of trespassers gaining access to the Site. The social media posts span from 28 July 2022 to 24 January 2023. However, it is worth noting that this evidence provides only a reasonable sample of the evidence of internet postings relating to incidents that have occurred. I understand there to be many more social media posts and YouTube videos online providing evidence of trespassers accessing the Site on various other occasions.

Say no more really.

I'm amazed they haven't come after anyone posting reports on here, maybe they are just sick to death of YT and FB lot and left us lot alone for once IDK

Anyone wanting content moved/removed get in touch in case you end up on the next self certified list of g00ns :popcorn


28DL Member
28DL Member
i didnt go in mi mate is scared now he said sum people have now been fine by police



Regular User
i didnt go in mi mate is scared now he said sum people have now been fine by police


This was always going to happen though wasn't it? So called 'g00ns' (or, insensitive explorers) play the same cards with a power station as they would at the latest 's0ggy derp' of the month and wonder why shit hits the fan.

(Using the correct terminology I hope)

(PS it is amusing how all these Facebook guys live rent free in Mookster's head)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
That was hard work lol.

Was only a matter of time, anyone who thinks they can go up against Peel needs to have a chat with themselves!

Just looking at 46 - 51 alone :rofl

Where did you find the reports you quoted, didn’t see anything on the fiddlers ferry Perl site? Seem an interesting read.

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