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ALW Research Team

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
These are known as the Hillhouse coal drops, built in 1900 by the London & North Western Railway, as an interface between the Main Railway Network and a local tramway.

Situated on Alder St, Huddersfield.

On top were the Hillhouse sidings seen in the drone photographs, where railway wagons were unloaded, and the material dropped into tramway carts below.

40 coal chutes in total are each divided by solid blue brick piers with ashlar banding. The timber structure and top decking has iron chutes which are operated by visible cogs and gearing.

Huddersfield Corporation Tramway had two coal trams to deliver coal to local mills.

This structure and its architecture gained grade 2 listed status on 8th April 2003 with Historic England on Entry Number: 1096083


This is some of the last remaining examples of trackbed parts of the Huddersfield Corporation Tramway


The Huddersfield Corporation Tramway constructed the coal drops from timber, iron and blue engineering brick with ashlar dressings.


Surrounded by a Rubble stone boundary wall, which has two broad gateways each with 2 square gate-piers topped with pyramidal ashlar caps.




Palisade fencing protecting, (hopefully) the site from vandals, thieves and arsonists.


The iron work was completed S Wright and Sons and installed by a blacksmith which is sadly long gone. It was situated where local housing is today on the adjacent Whitestone Lane.


The manual coal chute gearing as seen here.


Parts of the coal chutes and iron work have been stolen by scrap thieves in the past. It is now protected by palisade fencing.


On top were the Hillhouse sidings seen in the drone photographs, where railway wagons were unloaded, and the material dropped into tramway carts below.


Above was a twin track standard gauge railway linked to the mainline via Hillhouse Sidings.


Well worth a visit if you're in the area. Drone footage taken with the ALW Exploration Mavic 2 Pro. Ground shots taken on a Canon 90d and a Nikon d750.
All Photographs and words are by ALW Exploration.


Regular User
Ah, these came up in conversation a couple of days ago. I was thinking of going and seeing how they're getting on. Don't have to now, nice one :thumb

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