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Report - - Hong Kong Stormwater Drainage Systems, 2019 | Noteworthy Reports | Page 2 |

Report - Hong Kong Stormwater Drainage Systems, 2019

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Bespectacled & irrelevant
Regular User
Cheers everyone, glad you enjoyed it!

Lai Chi Kok has to be seen in person to appreciate just how big it is, photos really don't do it justice. I've taken a few people now after showing them photos and ranting about the size and they've still been speechless!


more tall than ginger tho.....
Regular User
MEGA :Not Worthy My eyes have been opened to just how big drains can get. Never seen flow control like that or an energy dissipating altar before! Cracking pics. Well enjoyed that :thumb


Queller of the uprising
Great snaps and that system is definitely architecturally special in my mind!


Massive Member
Regular User
Heading to HK on holiday in October, looks like I'm buying a couple of torches from Temple road market


Loyal to the Drain
Regular User
Outstanding photos and a superb report!
The size of these drains is stunning, I really want to visit HK now. :cool:


I Go Where The Drains Are
Regular User
Fucking Monstrosities!
Been wondering if there was gunna be a Typhoon Tunnel superpost.
Well done!

Boba Low

SWC ___/
28DL Full Member
Jesus wept. The drains are surely world class but what really impresses me as always is the depth of your research and understanding. Pleasure that, cheers D.


Bespectacled & irrelevant
Regular User
Jesus wept. The drains are surely world class but what really impresses me as always is the depth of your research and understanding. Pleasure that, cheers D.

Thanks man! We need to catch up too btw, its been too long!


grumpy sod
Regular User
Now as a general rule I don't like drains, but by Christ's beard that's one exception.

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