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Report - - Hotspur Press / Percy's. Manchester 03/22 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Hotspur Press / Percy's. Manchester 03/22

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Formerly called the Medlock Mills and found on the bank of the aforementioned river, it was built in 1801 and one of the countless cotton mills found in Manchester during the Cottonopolis era; which made the city a world leader in its' production!
There were two other mills built nearby that were larger, I suspect one may be the old Dunlop Factory. All three were linked by Tram tunnels for the transport of materials between the sites - probably to keep fabrics out of Manchester's famous rain!
Originally - there was a factory on the site that burnt down at the end of the 18th century and cost many workers their lives. Another fire occurred in 1837 in the current building but it was not destroyed, superstitious talks of a Curse went around.
It was owned by a Cotton Baron John Fairweather and then his heirs throughout time.
By 1888 the Cotton industry began to dwindle so the site was changed to a Print works - which continued to just a few years back. Some sections were rented by artists for many years but around 2017 it closed it's doors for good.
There is talk about renovation that retains the original facia wall with modern flats rising above it, but all plans are stagnant right now.
Today I decided to take a look, I have passed this building many times over the years and it doesn't seem that long since it closed down. I had many ideas for access and None of them were required because I got in pretty quickly. There were signs of drug activity and squatting but I was fine and So happy to finally tick this extraordinary site off my list.





















Staff member
Haha I was gonna stick a report up myself of this having been in recently, might just do.

Good work, shame it's so far gone, was a couple of decent bits I guess :thumb


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Haha I was gonna stick a report up myself of this having been in recently, might just do.

Good work, shame it's so far gone, was a couple of decent bits I guess :thumb
Great minds! Lol.
I'd love to see your shots mate!


Staff member
yeah coming, up, not stuck anything up here in ages, what's the bloody chances :rolleyes:


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
yeah coming, up, not stuck anything up here in ages, what's the bloody chances :rolleyes:
I've been out of the scene due to ill health, i'm fine now and have already done 4 this year. the kings are back! lol.

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