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Report - Ironstone mine in Huntingdonshire 2019

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Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
Hello everyone this is a ironstone mine me and my friend visited before Christmas last year , this mine is a brilliant one ,so see have hundreds of photos of it ,still holds so much original stuff inside was unbelievable on the deeper sections the track is still inside and their are original horse prints we found ,a few other people have been in the higher levels near the addit wich was quite boggy their on are visit ,have been here around 11 time’s now it’s a good 45 minute walk to get to the lowest point and that’s just on one streight line their is 47 lines running parallel then around 60 going across these all mined in the pillar stall method , on the visit it’s self since have been here a lot of time’s we didn’t encounter any problems first time I visited here nearly got lost in it wich was the quite scary but as you gain more experience you start to learn how the layout of this mining method all works .this line opened in the 1880s till 1943 I believe , only 8 men done this on each shift. With 3 horses hope you all enjoy the photos anything I have done rong with the post please let me no .would just like to add anyone who is not use to ug exploration please read the mine guides on here before trying this .



























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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Always find it odd that mines often have pairs of shoes. Makes me wonder why they were taken off. Injury, death or just swapped for another pair. I can't imagine anyone wanting to exit a mine barefooted. Any ideas?

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Nicely done, love seeing the old tracks and prints.
Im glad you advised people to read the guide on mines on here before attempting one. Thats the responsible thing to do. Good stuff :thumb

Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
I have photos of other pairs also on the underside they have replaceable soles maybe after that cannot replace them any more they changed ? But have read also in my countless hours of research they had to buy all tools and clothing their self so that would mean they would have to of carried two pairs in so very strange

Lord Oort

Fear is the little death
Regular User
Nice one, will have to give you a shout if im up your way.

Oddly enough I think Ive found an old shoe in every mine Ive ever been in!

Lord Oort

Fear is the little death
Regular User
I have photos of other pairs also on the underside they have replaceable soles maybe after that cannot replace them any more they changed ? But have read also in my countless hours of research they had to buy all tools and clothing their self so that would mean they would have to of carried two pairs in so very strange

Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. Slate miners had to buy their own candles; so they would get into a rhythm breaking up the slate and then work in darkness for the majority of their shift.

Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
Must be horrible to think your not even supplied with a candle ,I no the people in this mine got payed 4.5d for loading the carts per shift by hand not sure what this equivalent to in today’s money


Regular User
It would seem no-one who has replied is a miner ;)

It's common practice all around the world to leave boots in mines as it helps protect you from the knockers - I deliberately used that name for them but there are many others bwca, bucca, tommyknocker, knacker. The names are often similar in other languages as well which I find interesting.

Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
Yes oort if your ever over this way by all means give me some notice can arrange to show you a option of quite a few all ironstone here it is though


Regular User
Must be horrible to think your not even supplied with a candle ,I no the people in this mine got payed 4.5d for loading the carts per shift by hand not sure what this equivalent to in today’s money

Going off at a tangent but again, it's interesting! This can give a kind of idea about monetary value through time in the UK


Rum Swigger
28DL Full Member
It would seem no-one who has replied is a miner ;)

It's common practice all around the world to leave boots in mines as it helps protect you from the knockers - I deliberately used that name for them but there are many others bwca, bucca, tommyknocker, knacker. The names are often similar in other languages as well which I find interesting.

never heard that one.......I thought you left a bit of your pastie for them

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