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Report - Kayaking the Maunsell Seaforts - Sept 14

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Official Smartarse
Regular User
Was an awesome trip, really ticked all the boxes for me, although tbh when we were setting off from the beach I really didn't think that I would be coming back, but you know, we generally have good luck with this kind of stuff, so why not.

Normally I take my camera and am disappointed in the results, this time I didn't take my camera with me and I'm really regretting it, but with the amount of kit we took, and my 30 year old kayak already weighing more than the Jag we drove down in, I decided to cut back on weight as much as I could.

The prior kayaking experience we had was one failed trip to The Skerries off Anglesea, and a failed trip around Walney Island off Barrow. They say you learn more from your mistakes than your successes, and that's really true.

We learned:

1, We REALLY need to learn how to roll properly (or you end up in the sea unable to get back in the kayak)
2, We REALLY need to take tides into consideration (the tidal range around walney island means that if you don't want to carry on all the way round, you end up dragging your kayak 2-3 miles over rocky sand)
3, Cheap sea kayaks are cheap for a reason i.e. they may not actually be waterproof(cue lots and lots of fibreglass repairs and gelcoat re-application)
4, Check that bilge pumps work before going out.


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
Was an awesome trip, really ticked all the boxes for me, although tbh when we were setting off from the beach I really didn't think that I would be coming back, but you know, we generally have good luck with this kind of stuff, so why not.

Normally I take my camera and am disappointed in the results, this time I didn't take my camera with me and I'm really regretting it, but with the amount of kit we took, and my 30 year old kayak already weighing more than the Jag we drove down in, I decided to cut back on weight as much as I could.

The prior kayaking experience we had was one failed trip to The Skerries off Anglesea, and a failed trip around Walney Island off Barrow. They say you learn more from your mistakes than your successes, and that's really true.

We learned:

1, We REALLY need to learn how to roll properly (or you end up in the sea unable to get back in the kayak)
2, We REALLY need to take tides into consideration (the tidal range around walney island means that if you don't want to carry on all the way round, you end up dragging your kayak 2-3 miles over rocky sand)
3, Cheap sea kayaks are cheap for a reason i.e. they may not actually be waterproof(cue lots and lots of fibreglass repairs and gelcoat re-application)
4, Check that bilge pumps work before going out.

You didnt die tho jobs and you managed to do some naked fog win!

Prof Hugh Janus

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Epic adventure. Used to live on the Thames estuary and these fort had a mythical status.Hope they don't rot away.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Astonishingly brave stuff. The fog makes the shots even better. I thought the second tower had old generators and stuff in it?

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