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Report - Kayaking the Maunsell Seaforts - Sept 14

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big in japan
Regular User
Cheers for the reply.
I have no intentions of rushing into something like this, but you gotta start somewhere! Rope access, no, not much experience with that. Climbing on the other hand, no problem! Both I and my partner in crime have plenty of experience with most other aspects, the actual ascending of the rope would pose no issue. When climbing, there is no reason to anchor the rope high above you, you either climb and clip in to protection as you go, or top rope if you have access to the top, neither of which are an option here. I don't quite fancy shredding any of my ropes on old rusted girders, which may or may not take my weight without knowing if there's a more appropriate way.
Kayaking wise, I personally have probably only spent 25-30 hours in one, my buddy on the other hand, has spent countless hours in one. This is the skill I plan to work on whenever time permits until I would feel comfortable with this task. I am handy with navigation though as the family did used to own a small powerboat until a few months back.
BBQ and fire sound nice, a fair bit of extra weight/bulk to take fuel out too though! And I'm sure the other forts would be good to see too, but they're all even further out to sea :( Thanks again for the info/warnings

Sounds like you've got the makings of being able to do it then! I'm not going to tell you anymore though. If you knew what you were doing, it wouldn't be an adventure ;)

Good luck!

Luke Stanmore

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Sounds like you've got the makings of being able to do it then! I'm not going to tell you anymore though. If you knew what you were doing, it wouldn't be an adventure ;)

Good luck!

Hope so! Hm thats fair play haha, we'll see someday!

Mr Sam

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
When it comes to noteworthy reports there are 2 reports that have always fascinated and inspired me. The Niagra Falls Tailrace and this!!

Edge of the seat car crash arm chair exploring gold the write up the pics just Epic :thumb

Tawny Fawn

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Wow, that's taking Urbexing to a whole new level! Amazing report guys, I'm super jelly, what an experience!

Love the addition of a bottle of port to your trip, quality! I must try and add the same air of class to my next explore and do away with the Red Stripe haha! You ought to get in touch with Indus Films and do a documentry of this, I bet people would love it!!!


28DL Member
28DL Member
Planned like a military manoeuvre, badge of honour for bravery and guile. Interested me as I had a boat trip with other togs out there a couple of months back, and was just itching to see inside, but only managed outside shots.


I'm not lost until I give up finding my way...
28DL Full Member
Cannot stress how much I enjoyed reading this... I was glued to the words behind the trip.

Usually I'd read a bit of history and get right into the photos but this, this was written perfectly.

Thanks for sharing, by far one of the best on here.

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