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Report - - Kelenföld Control Room - Hungary, March 2019 | European and International Sites | Page 3 |

Report - Kelenföld Control Room - Hungary, March 2019

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
wow, just wow. So beautiful, glad you got in first time. Whats happens it you get busted in a place like this in a county like Hungary? I always wonder, as I intend to do an Asia trip in future

Not wanting to denigrate the hungarian police too much, but I imagine you have to bung them a few quid if caught - when I was there they had a pretty lax attitude, we were mobbed by people offering us coke and heroin about 10 yards from a waiting police car with a copper stodd outside it.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
wow, just wow. So beautiful, glad you got in first time. Whats happens it you get busted in a place like this in a county like Hungary? I always wonder, as I intend to do an Asia trip in future

It really was. Thank you! I'm not entirely sure as it's a protected site and is used for films, adverts etc so I can't imagine they'll take too kindly to trespassers. I've never been to Asia myself but I can imagine it's a bit different to Europe. Looks like there's some cool stuff out there though!

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Not wanting to denigrate the hungarian police too much, but I imagine you have to bung them a few quid if caught - when I was there they had a pretty lax attitude, we were mobbed by people offering us coke and heroin about 10 yards from a waiting police car with a copper stodd outside it.
Ah ok, sounds cool, the relaxed attitude that is lol ;)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Ah ok, sounds cool, the relaxed attitude that is lol ;)
When we went it’s not the police that was the issue it was Dogs, every site no matter how shit had dogs on site running about, plus security had dogs all the time.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
When we went it’s not the police that was the issue it was Dogs, every site no matter how shit had dogs on site running about, plus security had dogs all the time.

We didn't notice any dogs but we did have to hide from security in two of the power stations we did and run away from airport security on another explore. I suspect they may have had dogs with them but we didn't hang about haha, they seem fairly on it there.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
When we went it’s not the police that was the issue it was Dogs, every site no matter how shit had dogs on site running about, plus security had dogs all the time.

Cheers, if I ever do Hungary doubt it though, but you never know, as stay dogs/cats seem to be an issue in lots of Countries the cat Dreamies & Dog chews are being packed .;)

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
We didn't notice any dogs but we did have to hide from security in two of the power stations we did and run away from airport security on another explore. I suspect they may have had dogs with them but we didn't hang about haha, they seem fairly on it there.

Thanks for to heads up, always good to know if secca are on it in a Country. :thumb

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