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Report - - Kraftwerk Schraubenwerk - Austria - January 2024 | European and International Sites |

Report - Kraftwerk Schraubenwerk - Austria - January 2024


28DL Regular User
Regular User
A vintage power station from our January trip to Austria and Slovenia. We saw some pictures pop up last October and December and our friend had the coordinates along with an entry that was two years old at the time. So we made a small detour on a cold rainy winter day.

The screw factory was originally built in the early 19th century, but it was upgraded and expanded over time. From what I could gather, the overall state of the factory didn't change much from the 1920s until the closure. The power station in the factory was also built in the 1920s, but I'm unsure of the exact time. The power station has two AEG steam tubines and used to have a number of small boilers, possibly oil- or gas-fired. The rest of the factory has been demolished for a while, but the power station is a listed building so they left it to decay.

The explore was as simple as they get - some timing and a little bit of a squeeze. The insides were in a good state. Almost no vandalism except the pigeon shit everywhere. Some spraying here and there, but we expected it to be worse given the number of photos we've seen. The boilerhouse was already empty, nothing to see there. Overall, a nice place to visit.









Hope you enjoyed!


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Love this one
Love the architecture - and the photos.
Thanks! It really is a nice place, and in a good state considering the access.

Nice pics :thumb almost art decour with them windows
Austrian 20s, what can I say :D they built them different back then

That is lovely, except for the childish scrabbles. I'll never be able to comprehend anyone doing that shit in places like this.
Someone really doesn't like cops.
Thanks! Bunch of local kiddos I bet. Glad it wasn't worse - the location has been going around the euro circles, but apparently didn't get into any idiot's hands.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I#d give an arm and a leg to be allowed to dismantle that place, the tiles alone are worth a fortune.