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Report - - Langham Tower (Sunderland High School) Sunderland Tyne and Wear October 2020 | Other Sites |

Report - Langham Tower (Sunderland High School) Sunderland Tyne and Wear October 2020

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Undiscovered locations in the UK
28DL Full Member
This explore resulted in 6 coppers rocking up and a very angry caretaker but after an explanation I was told to be on my way.
I've always had a thing for Victorian Buildings so I was in my element in this place.
Had the place pinned for a while and decided to have a look, with finding entry I was greeted to a very stunning staircase, running power and load of stuff just pilled in the main hall.
The items apparently belong to a neighbouring furniture shop and they are using the Mansion as storage.
The bottom floor was in relatively good condition and had some stunning decor.
The upper floors were mostly stripped and have heavily decayed in the 5 years since the School closed.

One of my favourite explores and summit new in the area which is lacking explores.
The Mansion is currently up for sale for 1 million pounds to be redeveloped into a Hotel possibility.

Langham Tower is a large Victorian mansion, located on the corner of Ryhope Road and Mombray Road in the Ashbrooke suburb of Sunderland. The mansion was built 1889-1891 by William Milburn for William Adamson, the son of the shipbuilder W. Adamson.[1] The house was later owned by the Vaux family, then by shipbuilder Robert Thompson, before becoming a teacher training college in 1922. It became part of Sunderland Polytechnic, later Sunderland University, in 1975. The University sold Langham Tower in 2004.[2] It became part of Sunderland High School in 2006, but the independent School closed in 2016. Langham Tower is a Grade II listed building.


Picture taken in the early 1900s, amazing how little has changed since this photo was taken.


















Thanks for looking.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Beauty of a stair case. Lovely building, £1m seems cheap given that staircase, wood panelling ceilings and large rooms with og sash windows.
I wonder if the caretaker is on the take letting next door store their good there! Seems an odd arrangement. If you got in, anyone could, and they have stock in there!


Undiscovered locations in the UK
28DL Full Member
Beauty of a stair case. Lovely building, £1m seems cheap given that staircase, wood panelling ceilings and large rooms with og sash windows.
I wonder if the caretaker is on the take letting next door store their good there! Seems an odd arrangement. If you got in, anyone could, and they have stock in there!
Its strange how it isnt locked down, couple of metal sheets up but not enough to stop certain people getting in.
The staircase is stunning, the upper floors are falling apart though, was a bit of a death trap on the top floor.


28DL Member
28DL Member
WOW!!! this was my old school!!! I was there up until the closure in 2016. So nice to see it again, I've seen my year 10 form room and so many of the rooms I used to learn in. Crazy, there are so many rooms in that place, you'd be surprised how many of them were empty even before the closure!!


28DL Member
28DL Member
WOW!!! this was my old school!!! I was there up until the closure in 2016. So nice to see it again, I've seen my year 10 form room and so many of the rooms I used to learn in. Crazy, there are so many rooms in that place, you'd be surprised how many of them were empty even before the closure!!
i went there too but left in 2014. it would've been good to see the inside of some off the other buildings in the school before they where turned into flats.

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