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Question - Longmoor Flood Relief Tunnel (Bristol)

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We all love a good corridor shot!
28DL Full Member
Evening all!
It’s been a while since I last posted but recently stumbled upon an entrance to this flood tunnel I was wondering if any fellow drainers from Bristol or surrounding areas knew anything about it or how big it may be or what may be inside, I intend to visit tomorrow and venture inside. I’ve done dreadnaught and rednaught through bedminster and now I want to do this one was wondering if anyone knew anything at all about it or where I may find information on it as I can’t find anything online about it? I’ve attached a of what can be seen from the entrance incase that’s any help.

Thankyou in advance



O high
Staff member
Just picked up your message on the gram - I honestly don't know anything about this to be honest mate. @tumbles any idea?


Staff member
Looks like a culvert to me, they don't construct "flood relief tunnels" out of CMP ;)

Look forward to more pics all the same :thumb


Staff member
yeah upstream, I can't see it being a full on storm drain though using that construction, like I say more a relief culvert, there are some here with same sign and they are 4ft some of them.. still, look forward to pics


Put it in me.
28DL Full Member
This is a culvert/relief called DIA. Infall has a screen etc to try and aid in less crap going from the brook into the Avon.

Its about 950m long, although the only really interesting feature iirc is the infall, a reasonably sized/interesting slide arrangement.


O high
Staff member
This is a culvert/relief called DIA. Infall has a screen etc to try and aid in less crap going from the brook into the Avon.

Its about 950m long, although the only really interesting feature iirc is the infall, a reasonably sized/interesting slide arrangement.

I nearly tagged you but didn't think you ever went on here these days!

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