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Report - - Medlars Motors The Demise..Norfolk, November 2022 | Other Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Medlars Motors The Demise..Norfolk, November 2022

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
They've definitely taken advantage of the higher scrap prices recently, can't blame them I suppose.

It's a shame not much is left now, it was a great place to wander a few years ago. That old aerial shot though, I can't believe how big it used to be.

As always, great report and lovely pics mate.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
They've definitely taken advantage of the higher scrap prices recently, can't blame them I suppose.

It's a shame not much is left now, it was a great place to wander a few years ago. That old aerial shot though, I can't believe how big it used to be.

As always, great report and lovely pics mate.
Thank you matey. Yeah whenever scrap value went up a little bit more disappeared from there. Yeah it's quite sad to see now as always lived wandering around it. Was only twenty mins away too.

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