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Report - - Megatron - Sheffield - 26/03/22 to 05/03/2023 | UK Draining Forum | Page 2 |

Report - Megatron - Sheffield - 26/03/22 to 05/03/2023

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I know what the off shoot is.
Vent for an old culvert. The old culvert you can see in the photo was the water feed culvert to the Ponds that Ponds Forge is named after.
It runs under the station then under the open space outside the Sheffield Tap, then crosses Sheaf Street.

A former colleague told me they'd dug up the end of it when building the Electric Works and piped it back to the river


Regular User
I know what the off shoot is.
Vent for an old culvert. The old culvert you can see in the photo was the water feed culvert to the Ponds that Ponds Forge is named after.
It runs under the station then under the open space outside the Sheffield Tap, then crosses Sheaf Street.

A former colleague told me they'd dug up the end of it when building the Electric Works and piped it back to the river

thanks so much for this info!
very interesting, ive wanted to find a way in but only a manhole in the road it seems


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Great report.
You guys have some great drains (as I'm sure you've been told countless times).

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