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Report - - Mid Wales Asylum, Talgarth - May 21 | Asylums and Hospitals | Page 2 |

Report - Mid Wales Asylum, Talgarth - May 21

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Crusty Juggler
Staff member
yeah its a shame but as mentioned it will prob fall in on itself in the next 5yr.
it would be easier / safer to flatten it tbh & would stop all the nosey yokels constantly looking out for urbexers.

Been saying that for the last 5 but yeah its that or a big ass fire. Looks like Stores got torched over last year or so.

Where is the first pic from, is that drone footage?

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Been saying that for the last 5 but yeah its that or a big ass fire. Looks like Stores got torched over last year or so.

Where is the first pic from, is that drone footage?

Yeah its my mates drone, hence no watermark.
We drove round to front & flew drone from there, few people walked past & no one challenged us

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Fantastically photogenic. I must get to see this for myself. Loving the brickwork, ironwork, original tiles in places. Definitely appealing. I really like this :cool:


28DL Full Member
Nice set photos iv looked doing this place before but took it of “want to do list “ because the story of people having angry dude you got some lovely shots

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Nice set photos iv looked doing this place before but took it of “want to do list “ because the story of people having angry dude you got some lovely shots

There is deff someone walking regular round as the paths are well worn but it's an easy place to hide in.
I think most people go in off the main drive & get seen by locals, we took a descrete route which did involve some fence jumping but recon that is the best solution to not get getting caught.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Some cracking photos there fella! Particularly like the shots of the staircases; you've captured them really well!


Staff member
People will always slate (excuse the pun) this one, but there's just something about it that makes it worth a trip. You've got a great report and photos to boot mate :thumb

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
People will always slate (excuse the pun) this one, but there's just something about it that makes it worth a trip. You've got a great report and photos to boot mate :thumb

Thanks Seffy
Can still see from your pictures that it was once a beautiful building, great pictures

Yeah if u look at older posts it was a beautiful place but I almost prefer the decay now to 10yr back but thats just me
The hall ceiling!!! Epic. Worth the trip just for that.

Ace the way it has gone almost exactly down middle. I assume that is due to wind directions
Best photos I've seen from here in a long time.

Thanks dude they came out ok ;-)

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