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Report - - Milton Green Highways Depot, Cheshire : May 2023 | Other Sites |

Report - Milton Green Highways Depot, Cheshire : May 2023


"The Pump People"
Regular User
Milton Green Highways Depot

One from a few months back. It has been posted previously on here. Visited with @dansgas1000
Very little history can be found on this. A quick Google brings up a file described as ‘Plan 1’ on the Cheshire Archives from 1937. Perhaps this is when the site was constructed? History wise, that’s as much as I can give you.
More recently, the site has been earmarked for housing (surprise surprise) but nothing seems to have come to fruition yet. There is an ambulance station situated to the front of the site.
The site consists of a large main workshop with pits for vehicle maintenance, an MOT bay, canteen, changing rooms, toilets, office spaces, and what appear to be lots of storage sheds.

The Explore

This was on one of the hottest days we had so far in the year and we were feeling the strain. Dan suggested it and I wasn’t too excited. Let's be honest, a Highway's Depot does sound a bit crap. “Are there any vehicles” I asked. No. “Any equipment”. Not really....
I have to say though that I did enjoy it in the end, it is rare to see a place like this with no vandalism or graffiti. The cobwebs were awful in here though. That paired with being overly sticky from the increased temperature that day meant we both felt disgusting after. All worth it in the end.

Starting off with a terrible external. It was very sunny that day. The sun and I aren't friends.


Into the lovely decayed reception area






Moving to the toilets and changing rooms.




A little friend left behind.




I promise this photo is level, it's the sticker which is on the piss...








This British Leyland box has lasted longer than most of the cars they produced.





MOT Brake equipment



Finishing up with a very American looking 'gas' pump


Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
One of the nicest set of pice from here, well covered.

I guess u that wasnt the only explore u were there for?


"The Pump People"
Regular User
One of the nicest set of pice from here, well covered.

I guess u that wasnt the only explore u were there for?
Many thanks!

No this was on the way to Manchester / Liverpool when we done Levenshulme swimming baths, Greenbank Synagogue, Pilkingtons and a few others. This was the first pin on a three day trip.


Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
Yeah for sure, when you realise photos come in all sorts of formats and 4x5 was much more common in the past then it makes sense to pick the best one for the pic


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Many thanks!

No this was on the way to Manchester / Liverpool when we done Levenshulme swimming baths, Greenbank Synagogue, Pilkingtons and a few others. This was the first pin on a three day trip.

Pretty much down the end of the road this is on is that manor house/vehicle graveyard with the Blackpool Airport fire tenders in it that gets spaffed all over social media constantly, whereas most people go straight past this place!


"The Pump People"
Regular User
Pretty much down the end of the road this is on is that manor house/vehicle graveyard with the Blackpool Airport fire tenders in it that gets spaffed all over social media constantly, whereas most people go straight past this place!
Oh really. I didn't know about that not gonna lie. I heard some shit hit the fan over that place? This looks far more interesting anyway


28DL Regular User
Regular User
See, not everywhere I suggest is crap ;) I knew you would like it in the end. I remember the cobwebs in that main corridor as well, worst I've ever experienced. Some lovely detail shots and I like the old English Electric plate, I completely missed that!

Pretty much down the end of the road this is on is that manor house/vehicle graveyard with the Blackpool Airport fire tenders in it that gets spaffed all over social media constantly, whereas most people go straight past this place!
I did see that nearby on satellite imagery and I did wonder whether that site looked abandoned, now I know!


"The Pump People"
Regular User
See, not everywhere I suggest is crap ;) I knew you would like it in the end. I remember the cobwebs in that main corridor as well, worst I've ever experienced. Some lovely detail shots and I like the old English Electric plate, I completely missed that!

I did see that nearby on satellite imagery and I did wonder whether that site looked abandoned, now I know!
Not everywhere! Just most....

Yeah that bit was nice, did you miss that whole electric room?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
See, not everywhere I suggest is crap ;) I knew you would like it in the end. I remember the cobwebs in that main corridor as well, worst I've ever experienced. Some lovely detail shots and I like the old English Electric plate, I completely missed that!

I did see that nearby on satellite imagery and I did wonder whether that site looked abandoned, now I know!
Tinned up and completely covered in anti climb, it was good though. Not much online about the mansion but mainly about the graveyard

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