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Lead or Rumour info - Mini air raid shelter


Conspicuous Loiterer
Regular User
Back in the day, schools often had their own air raid shelters. A little bunker in a hillside such as this one Ha'penny Shelter

In Heyrod, Stalybridge, such a shelter was built behind the then school, now village hall. I can confirm its existence, having hesitated at the threshold with a match, as a child, but never dared venture beyond the first bend in the tunnel. The entrance was blocked up behind the new retaining wall but I was told a manhole exists in the field above which affords access to said shelter.

Approximate location:



Professional Twat
28DL Full Member
might give it a check out if a get a free day given it's literally a short bus ride from me, Heyrod seems to be packed full of old buildings doesnt it?