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Report - - Mount Pleasant Tunnel and railway sidings, Bewdley, Worcestershire. June 2021. | Other Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Mount Pleasant Tunnel and railway sidings, Bewdley, Worcestershire. June 2021.

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Queller of the uprising
Hi the research you’ve done is great, thank you! I have been to the old trains today and taken a few photos. I’m local and just starting to explore. The tunnel is next on my list! We even saw the other train go past.

Good to hear you’re local and have visited! The tunnel is quite an easy one once you know the route. Lots more about in the local area to find too!


28DL Member
28DL Member
I think I may have been to the tunnels but when I was young, from your pictures it looks familiar, unless there are more I don’t know about. The woods by the old bridge are called chestnut woods which I know as chessy woods, bikers used to go and make their own jumps etc. I did go and have a quick look at the gpss site but there was a small fire burning on site so gave that one a miss for the time being!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice report I'm local & have researched area in past for a project but enjoyed your report :-)

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