2-storey and attic, 8-bay, rectangular-plan office building with striking 5-stage Modern Movement water tower and single-storey sheds to NE and NW. Harled brick and red ashlar sandstone dressings. Ashlar base course, pronounced cornice to 1st floor, moulded eaves course. Regular fenestration with margined openings to all floors. Multi-pane top hopper windows, cast-iron rainwater goods. One of the more distinctive buildings related to the Hawick textile industry, the former Turnbull's office block has considerable architectural quality in terms of its detailing, and the contrast between the light render and red brick. The tower is a striking addition to the townscape and is designed in a proto-Modernist style, the earliest example of this style to appear in Hawick. It is believed to have held a water tank for sprinkler systems. Overall the office building dominates the surrounding streetscape, much of which has been redeveloped. As such the building forms important evidence of the dominance of the textile industry in the town, and the grandeur of many of the buildings associated with it.
Peal, the second best mill in town...
Stopped by on our way up to the highlands... I've had several goes at this place over the past five years and never succeeded, until now

I was overall quite impressed with the mill. Despite the rot and lacking any machinery (or anything at all really!) the fabric of the building was very nice indeed. Particularly lavish offices, with well proportioned rooms and some very fine woodwork, as well as a lovely mosaic floor, which I spent a few moments polishing for my photograph.
The mills tower was rather interesting, containing a lovely example of a cast iron spiral staircase. The views however were less inspiring!
After a spit and polish
Ooooh Hawick....