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Night Photography

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Butt Wipe
28DL Full Member

took a couple of seconds to let my eyes adjust to that picture :p

just play about with your camera or read up on some tutorials, good effort tho

twisted fish

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
this is a night photo i took out side my house im only new to phototgarph to me it looks very over exposed but i thought i would put it up anyway


if you had knocked the iso down a couple of thou' you might have got away with it.
if you can get away with it use the lowest poss. iso


The quiet one..
28DL Full Member
Nowhere near the quality of some of the stuff on here, but these are a couple of my recent efforts:



28DL Full Member
Collingwood, what are you on about?
The tones in the first image are absolutely beautiful,
but the second image is perfect for me.
The shallow depth of field is really captivating,
and the cool blue behind the stairs works perfectly!
I love it =]

28DL Full Member
Not urbex at all, but i've been working on a new project which is based around the temporary spaces that people make into homes whilst travelling from one place to the other.
So far i've photographed some trucks whilst their drivers slumber under the stars inside the cabin =]




28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
some truly amazing pictures up in this thread. I've had a play around at night so here are a couple of mine :thumb

the first one is a wee blurry. I had no tripod at the time!






ian beal's twin brother..
28DL Full Member
Collingwood, what are you on about?
The tones in the first image are absolutely beautiful,
but the second image is perfect for me.
The shallow depth of field is really captivating,
and the cool blue behind the stairs works perfectly!
I love it =]

i will second that...
nice work..



ian beal's twin brother..
28DL Full Member
this is just exellent.
plenty to look at really nice tones.
the shadows on the cab work.
can't falt that one atall..

well done that man...or..woman..not sure.
just don't get caught taking photos of angry men sleeping you will get a reputation.




28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Collingwood, what are you on about?
The tones in the first image are absolutely beautiful,
but the second image is perfect for me.
The shallow depth of field is really captivating,
and the cool blue behind the stairs works perfectly!
I love it =]

agreed, that first one would look epic with a nice 40 minute trail over it :thumb

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