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Night Photography

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

Plane Shadow


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Being a noob and only having a 30 sec exposure time on my bridge hs20, I'm unable to do the thing that I love the most on here, star trails. But I do like light painting and motorway movement etc. will practice more on my weeks off and get more up.

This was meant to say Swansea.. On top of kilvey hill overlooking city and bay.

A pub called the grouchy man that I stopped at on way to Oxford. (my girlfriend is currently in uni there so I'm back and fore a lot)

Motorway bridge

And know this isn't night but still moving things. it was taken with shutter speed 4. Love moving water too.

Thanks for looking. Any advice welcome.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Being a noob and only having a 30 sec exposure time on my bridge hs20, I'm unable to do the thing that I love the most on here, star trails.

Check out a bit of software called 'Star Trails', link:
This will let you stitch loads of images together to make the star trails photos. This is a better technique as loads of 30secs will make it easier to keep the foreground in good exposure :) also means u can do these on your HS20, which is a fantastic bit of kit outside the DSLR market. Also plenty of star trails guides on google which i have found really helpful :) keep up the good work :thumb


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Cheers badger. Was thinking of layering on cs4 or ps but that software looks great. Will take 30 mins worth and see what happens.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Just seen this kid doing light art, and he animates it too!

Ima try this tonight! Lol

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