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Night Photography

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Cave Monster
28DL Full Member
One from tonight in Bremen


Fuck me, Ric. This is good. Could you tell me the lens/settings used for this?

Excellent shots Xan, and Ric.

A few feeble attempts from me last night:




Cheers, dude! Is there anything I can help you with? Advice and whatnot?


  • 8374742232_d5d053cab4_z.jpg
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темний Прип'ять
28DL Full Member
Fuck me, Ric. This is good. Could you tell me the lens/settings used for this?

Thanks, It's all about location and luck, the sky was the clearest i've seen for months, you could see the Milky way with your naked eye, we were driving back from a few explores and was in the middle of nowhere so you don't get any yellowing from surrounding light pollution, we were lucky that a car passed down the road mid shot providing the light trail.

As for settings its quite easy, wide open with your fastest lens (mine was 50mm 1.4 @ 2.8) and iso 3200/6400 with around 10-15 seconds exposure anything longer and the stars start the blur with the earths movement.

Fucking hell, Ric, that is the dogs bollocks!




28DL Full Member
Quick one from tonight...


Could have done with 15s exposure as apose to 30s but my ISO doesn't go high enough...

...and the only shot I took last night after about 400 derp fails...



Brian Blessed's Codpiece
28DL Full Member

The Westland Whirlwind helicopter was a British license-built version of the U.S. Sikorsky S-55/H-19 Chickasaw. It primarily served with the Royal Navy's Fleet Air Arm in anti-submarine and search-and rescue roles. This Whirlwind first flew in 1962, and arrived at this, it's final resting place, in 1988.

Navigating across fields full of snow in the near pitch black without a torch so as not to be seen was interesting to say the least. The snow varied from 4 to 8 inches deep and at one point came into the top of my wellies which was lovely. That coupled with the not-so-good cracking sound of walking over water of unknown depth which was frozen and hidden under the snow made me more tense that I would have liked getting to this beauty.

Still, once I'd arrived I only had to worry about leaving footprints in shot and the security hut spotting the coloured flashes in the dark. Oh and falling on my arse in an insanely slippery helicopter!

It's all fun and games really.


Brian Blessed's Codpiece
28DL Full Member
Snow can mess with the white balance quite badly, if you're not going to correct in post you should try one of the manual WB settings on the camera - Tungsten would probably give the best result :thumb


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Funny you should say this as I was looking at the balance because it didn't seem right.

After about 10 mins trying to figure it out, I then realised what was giving the orange hue - the street lights to the left and right of the tramroad are those crappy orange jobs !

Will have another bash at the white balance though, cheers.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Some old shite that came with the camera - SilkyPix I think.

I'll have a read back of the thread too. First time rying a night shot in the snow tbh but will keep at it !

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