Pear Mill Chimney Climb - Ojay, Bigjobs, Over & Skydiver present.
Pear Mill, Stockport, The architects were A.H. Stott & Sons and the building is typical of their work of that period both in terms of construction, with concrete floors, and detailing. The power plant was a Manhattan type steam engine by George Saxon, driving the machinery via a rope drive.
With production starting in 1913 it was one of the last remaining cotton mills to be built. The mill had 137,312 mule spindles which remained until the 1950s when they were replaced by 33,636 ring spindles, the mill being electrified at the same time. It ceased operation as a textile mill in March 1978.
Before I start, Bigup to Bigjobs & Over for making this possible, not to mention total respect for Skydiver for recently making it up here too.
I made a comment earlier in the week "This is something I would dream to achieve one day"
What are the chances.....
Imagine earlier the very same day I found myself up a chimney with Stepping Lightly which gave me a taste of what was to come (Cheers Dude).
A few comedy moments earlier in the night and much patience from Over
Anyway all that out of the way, it was now time to climb this 200ft chimney (SHIT). This has to be the most courageous attempt at anything I have ever imagined doing.
The Chimney (Pic Stolen From The T'internet)
It was to be a long day, and nite, and almost the next day.
Just as we arrived the secca's had been doing the rounds, this nearly prompted all plans to be aborted, however we waited and waited and waited a bit more before deciding to go for it and not give a crap if we get caught HaHa.
Off Jobs & Over go to setup, obviously there is more to getting up this chimney than just starting from the base, with Skydiver keeping lookout, it was now my turn, "Ojay, Ojay" security! Fuck, I was lit up like a christmas tree with nowhere to hide, FFS.
I could hear the guard walking towards me and waving his torch about like a T**T, I was convinced he had seen me, I would now have some serious explaining to do and carry the can for all concerned if caught.
Both Bigjobs & Over were looking down at me helplessley from the roof whilst I stooped in well lit corner, praying I wouldn't be spotted. The bloke appeared in front of me and started muttering. One look to the right and the dream is over, then as if things couldn't get any worse, out of nowhere appears this bloody great German shepard which was now staring right at me. At this point I was bricking it as failure appeared immenent
Miraculously after what seemed like an eternity he walked on, after much waiting around the time had come again to get up this beast.
Over disappeared off into the night sky to fix up the rope, last minute nerves and all that, it was now time for me to ascend, this was going to be one hell of a climb on possibly the most dodgiest set of ladders I have ever seen. There is a good reason why they remove the bottom set of ladders, and there is also a good reason why it's put back when the 'officials' climb it.
Ages seemed to go by and I managed to get halfway, as I took a few minutes to look around, the ladders slipped about an inch or two, scary shit and much farting proceeded. Onwards and upwards it was, my arms now aching like hell. Finally I could see Over at the top stood there without a care in the world, crazy man, but he loves it and he's a pro.
After what seemed like hours but in reality was about 15-20 minutes I was stood at the top, 200ft up next to him admiring the views, it was a full moon and the stars were out, belter.
I didn't have the balls to get my camera out, so I got Over to take a quick shot of me before chilling for a while and pysching myself up for the descent back down which was a combination of climbing and abseiling. I took a rest at the pear level whilst I waited for Over, then we finally made it back down, packed up and fooked off sharpish before the guard decided to do the rounds once again with that lovely dog!
Looking up to pear level, and the ladders that we needed to get to
From the top, lovely views, now get me down! (Thanks to Over for the shot)
Thanks for looking, and a big thanks to everyone concerned for making it possible
Pear Mill, Stockport, The architects were A.H. Stott & Sons and the building is typical of their work of that period both in terms of construction, with concrete floors, and detailing. The power plant was a Manhattan type steam engine by George Saxon, driving the machinery via a rope drive.
With production starting in 1913 it was one of the last remaining cotton mills to be built. The mill had 137,312 mule spindles which remained until the 1950s when they were replaced by 33,636 ring spindles, the mill being electrified at the same time. It ceased operation as a textile mill in March 1978.
Before I start, Bigup to Bigjobs & Over for making this possible, not to mention total respect for Skydiver for recently making it up here too.
I made a comment earlier in the week "This is something I would dream to achieve one day"
What are the chances.....
Imagine earlier the very same day I found myself up a chimney with Stepping Lightly which gave me a taste of what was to come (Cheers Dude).
A few comedy moments earlier in the night and much patience from Over
Anyway all that out of the way, it was now time to climb this 200ft chimney (SHIT). This has to be the most courageous attempt at anything I have ever imagined doing.
The Chimney (Pic Stolen From The T'internet)
It was to be a long day, and nite, and almost the next day.
Just as we arrived the secca's had been doing the rounds, this nearly prompted all plans to be aborted, however we waited and waited and waited a bit more before deciding to go for it and not give a crap if we get caught HaHa.
Off Jobs & Over go to setup, obviously there is more to getting up this chimney than just starting from the base, with Skydiver keeping lookout, it was now my turn, "Ojay, Ojay" security! Fuck, I was lit up like a christmas tree with nowhere to hide, FFS.
I could hear the guard walking towards me and waving his torch about like a T**T, I was convinced he had seen me, I would now have some serious explaining to do and carry the can for all concerned if caught.
Both Bigjobs & Over were looking down at me helplessley from the roof whilst I stooped in well lit corner, praying I wouldn't be spotted. The bloke appeared in front of me and started muttering. One look to the right and the dream is over, then as if things couldn't get any worse, out of nowhere appears this bloody great German shepard which was now staring right at me. At this point I was bricking it as failure appeared immenent
Miraculously after what seemed like an eternity he walked on, after much waiting around the time had come again to get up this beast.
Over disappeared off into the night sky to fix up the rope, last minute nerves and all that, it was now time for me to ascend, this was going to be one hell of a climb on possibly the most dodgiest set of ladders I have ever seen. There is a good reason why they remove the bottom set of ladders, and there is also a good reason why it's put back when the 'officials' climb it.
Ages seemed to go by and I managed to get halfway, as I took a few minutes to look around, the ladders slipped about an inch or two, scary shit and much farting proceeded. Onwards and upwards it was, my arms now aching like hell. Finally I could see Over at the top stood there without a care in the world, crazy man, but he loves it and he's a pro.
After what seemed like hours but in reality was about 15-20 minutes I was stood at the top, 200ft up next to him admiring the views, it was a full moon and the stars were out, belter.
I didn't have the balls to get my camera out, so I got Over to take a quick shot of me before chilling for a while and pysching myself up for the descent back down which was a combination of climbing and abseiling. I took a rest at the pear level whilst I waited for Over, then we finally made it back down, packed up and fooked off sharpish before the guard decided to do the rounds once again with that lovely dog!
Looking up to pear level, and the ladders that we needed to get to

From the top, lovely views, now get me down! (Thanks to Over for the shot)
Thanks for looking, and a big thanks to everyone concerned for making it possible