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Rum Swigger
28DL Full Member
The good thing is he's not doing anything new or special, just retreading the sort of soggy ruined derps most people did years ago which all the middle aged women who follow his page and others like it seem to get great pleasure in seeing.

This is what I find the most confusing.

I’m guessing they trawl exploring websites for locations then make out they’re the first people there........yet a quick googly search brings up reports from years earlier...........they’re about 10 years behind.

For them to bust out new stuff would take far too much brain power

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
He was recently posting on Facebook about how he wants urbex to become a really popular hobby and he hopes everyone starts doing it, also the melt decided to call out various members on here, me included, as we all must be jealous haters or something, the usual guff from these idiots.

The good thing is he's not doing anything new or special, just retreading the sort of soggy ruined derps most people did years ago which all the middle aged women who follow his page and others like it seem to get great pleasure in seeing.

Saw that, Im gutted I didnt get a shout out from him, guess Im not worthy ;-(

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