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Report - - RAF Spadeadam, Cumbria - January 2024 | Military Sites |

Report - RAF Spadeadam, Cumbria - January 2024

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
First off I know this has been covered a million time but I’ve always wanted to visit! Thankfully we picked a really clear day to go yesterday and I couldn’t be happier with how the day went.
Also massive thank you to Bobdobina for the help as well!
There is a direct path that takes you to the mock airfield with all the planes it’s about a 40 minute walk from parking up where you see the helicopter and then about another further 20 minutes to see all the planes! There is so much in close proximity tanks and all sorts.
We decided on the way back to take a “shortcut” I would not do this again the direction we took we ended up falling into numerous bogs and I nearly ended up with a tree stump through my ankle so be careful here. Also had to scale 2 5ft fences due to not taking correct directions back.
On the path there you will notice an active airfield with radar tower with what looked like rockets and and a new plane. We were expecting to be stopped as they must of knew we were there.
There was brand new portaloos right on the mock airfield so it’s definitely in use still.
Anyway onto the actual planes, there is well over a dozen there with helicopter and tank nearby. Don’t ask me what they were I wouldn’t have a clue they are well documented on here, thoroughly recommend just don’t steer off path!

If you stick to the path it is not bad at all I think we managed 7 miles altogether to and from.













Regular User
On the path there you will notice an active airfield with radar tower with what looked like rockets and and a new plane. We were expecting to be stopped as they must of knew we were there.

Nice selection of images.

There is no 'active airfield' at Spade - what you were looking at is the EWTR RCC at Berry Hill and more of the objects which are dotted about to provide some visual realism for aircrews using the range.


Professional Twat
28DL Full Member
How was it a permission visit if you made your own way in and had to scale fences to get out?
I was thinking that, plus I doubt the MOD would be amazingly happy with just letting someone into the site
(I don’t know much about MOD laws correct me if wrong)

A good report tho love the photos, they’re all looking a bit more worn out now


Staff member
What month did you visit? Just need to add it to the title, as per the forum rules :)
EDIT: realised you said in the first pet of text so have edited!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice selection of images.

There is no 'active airfield' at Spade - what you were looking at is the EWTR RCC at Berry Hill and more of the objects which are dotted about to provide some visual realism for aircrews using the range.
Good to know cheers


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Good report, this is on my list of places to do i'm deffo going this year, i think i've already planned out the route you went (follow the road, reach heli first then down to the planes)


Professional Twat
28DL Full Member
Good report, this is on my list of places to do i'm deffo going this year, i think i've already planned out the route you went (follow the road, reach heli first then down to the planes)
Gonna try this one too this year in summer, just need to either convince mum to drive or maybe I can drive myself this year
Definitely is one I wanna see, especially that hind

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