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Report - - REPORT - 500 Building, Milton Keynes, January 2024 | Industrial Sites |

Report - REPORT - 500 Building, Milton Keynes, January 2024

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
500 building, Saw someone else post about it and realised i went when it was recently abandoned, so thought id share. Dont have too many photos im afraid but was alot tidier and not as messy as now.
500 building now has constant security outside and mostly metal all around it

(also didnt get photo of exterior)
500 building before.PNG

I am somewhat local and even I dont know much about it haha, It was used for offices before 2020 and was then used for vaccanations, there has been redeveloping schemes online for the building but nothing has happened since.




Building was very much intact before it got destroyed fully, the trees were the main part that madee this building what it was

Mostly everything was stripped out, The main attraction was the tress and the roof, apart from that it was empty. Most office rooms looked the exact same. The carpet recently got removed inside aswell from when i last went which was around 2 weeks ago.



The view from the roof was great, quite tall compared to nearby buildings and had a great view of milton keynes.



These are more shots of the inside before it got vandalised.

I dont have many photos of recent but i have been, trees are pulled down, carpet ghone all windows smashed. Fire extingusihers everywhere and graffiti splattered. I was suprised by the destruction of the building

Sorry for the small post, Just saw another person post about it of which he showed the new look so thought id share the old look for you lot :)

Thank you for looking!



28DL Regular User
Regular User
It looks in a lot better condition back in January than it does now. Nice pics and good to see some shots of it in a better state. It seems to have gone downhill so fast.

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