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Report - - Rippon Tor Rifle Range, Dartmoor, September 2020 | Military Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Rippon Tor Rifle Range, Dartmoor, September 2020

The Amateur Wanderer

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Would have loved a bash on the SMLE with some 303 or even 7.62 on the the Self Loading Rifle... Sadly I'm stuck on the SA80 (L85 A2) and 5.56... Was using those pulleys in Aldershot last week, all fun and games until you have to carry the wooden targets back to the range hut in the snow haha and weapon cleaning after the most tedious, time consuming job of the day... The indoor ranges are shit, used a lot in training at Catterick used them twice since in battalion during 4 years there... @Giymo85 what reg where you mate?

The Amateur Wanderer

28DL Regular User
Regular User
@The Amateur Wanderer I think I have actually blocked weapons cleaning from my mind! I remember the first time I thought I'd nailed it, spotless barrel on a pull through and everything - still got told it was a shit job.

Rifles mate. Yourself?

Haha, standard, love how a full jack can pretty much spawn carbon in places that where seemingly clean a few seconds before! Good regiment Rifles mate, Coldstream Guards myself.


Stay Safe
Staff member
Not only have I fired on many ranges I commanded a few range parties to boot in my day as a regular SNCO. In fact I have fired on this very range when in the Devonshire Army Cadet Force, Princetown Detachment with the .303" Lee Enfield No4 Mk2 Rifle as well as Okehampton (still in use) which I also visited as a Regular Soldier with the 7.62mm L1A1 SLR.

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