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Report - - Royal Marines Deep Refuge, Chatham Kent, May 2024 | Underground Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Royal Marines Deep Refuge, Chatham Kent, May 2024

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Probably underground somewhere
Regular User
Wasn't sure if we'd see this place for a long time now. Nicely done, it's a lovely set of tunnels!
I did read your report on it last week while prepping for it, you got some amazing photos of it mate πŸ‘

Exploring With Pride 🌈

Exploring with pride in more ways than one
28DL Full Member
Visited with @Llama @James Cross @Stumpy_UX & @Wastelandr. Thanks guys for a great evening πŸ‘

The Royal Marines deep refuge is a multi level air raid shelter constructed in 1938 at the time of Munich crisis. There’s not a lot more info of the history of shelter but the barracks above ground at gun wharf were occupied by the chatham Royal Marines from 1779 till it’s cloasure in 1960.

Those of you who had the pleasure of entering this place will surely agree with me when I say navigating the staircases are certainly testing, especially after a few beers 🀣, we got in and had a good wander round got some good photos before getting out to check on another place before parting ways. Glad to finally tick this one off the β€œto do” list and done it with some good company. There’s only so many pictures you could take of place without them looking the same so here’s a handful of half decent ones. Done from my iPhone as usual








I didn't think the stairs were that bad although i didn't go to the very top lol

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Always great to see. Those stairs are exactly why Ive not attempted this one at all. lol. Fair play πŸ‘


Probably underground somewhere
Regular User
Oh yess I did! But can confirm the steps were absolutely fucked, that timber crashing down and punching s hole through all the steps below left an impression!

Great report mate it was good fun
That would be my lead foot that may have caused that πŸ˜‚

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